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定義: Known as Kongish, this is a common code-mixing slang term used by native Hong Kongers to refer to a western male person, which is transliterated from '鬼佬', meaning 'ghost man'.
用法: E.g. Try talking to the gweilo to practice your English!同義詞: 鬼佬參考: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gweilo
定義: A Kongish code-mixing phrase that native Hong Kongers use to describe someone who sleeps very late and doesn't wake up early. Similar to 'night owl' in English. (夜貓/夜鬼)
用法: E.g. Maintain good health by sleeping early! Don't be a night cat / night ghost! 同義詞: 夜貓/夜鬼參考: https://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/dictionary/words/55996/
定義: A code-mixing filler term that real ABC's in Hong Kong love to use in all kinds of situations.
用法: E.g. 係呀,我男朋友對我幾好架,like...成日買衫比我啦,同我出街啦,like...總知好到形容唔到啦。
E.g. 外國生活幾好架,like...我成日可以踩單車啦,去shopping mall買野啦,like...總知好到數唔哂啦。
E.g. 係呀。It's like... It's like... you know? 你知我想講咩架?
定義: (textspeak) Derived from '狗噏' meaning 'dog uttering', this is a Kongish code-mixing term that refers to talking non-sense, like bullsh*t. It is also often pronounced as '鳩噏' as a vulgar expression.
用法: E.g. Stop 9up and bragging about your achievements all the time! (唔好成日喺到鳩噏車大炮啦!)同義詞: 狗噏, 鳩噏參考: https://evchk.fandom.com/zh/wiki/9up
定義: (textspeak) A Kongish code-mixing term that refers to 'together' in English.
用法: E.g. Nei zi chin mai wah seung do new pt, my frd arm arm told me kui find gun ppl, go tgt oj ng oj? (你之前咪話想做新Part Time,我朋友同我講佢搵緊人,一齊去好唔好?)同義詞: together參考: https://www.hk01.com/開罐/283411/大學生打字用火星文-10句港式英文拼音大挑戰-測試你識幾多
定義: This is a code-mixing term that refers to being eliminated in a competition, or being disqualified due to breaking the rules in a sports game.
用法: E.g. 小心比球證吹罰呀。再犯多次規就foul你出局。
E.g. 我第一round interview就比人foul左喇。真係慘慘豬。參考: http://www.cmi.hku.hk/Ref/Article/article02/01.html
定義: (textspeak) A Kongish code-mixing phrase that is used to ask someone whether they know something.
用法: E.g. A: Nei g ng g kui hui jor bin? B: Ng g. (A: 你知唔知佢去左邊? B: 唔知。)同義詞: 知唔知