496 results found
定義: Also written as '啹' in Cantonese, this is a code-mixing term that refers to the feeling of accepting somebody who is an adversary.
用法: E.g. 佢上次嬴我令到我好唔gur,不過今次我嬴返佢我就gur哂。同義詞: 啹參考: https://words.hk/zidin/v/啹
定義: Often used as 'baby pig' (BB豬) in Cantonese, this is a code-mixing term that native Hong Kongers use to call their lovers.
用法: E.g. BB豬,你買D咩生日禮物比我呀?
定義: A code-mixing term that is often used with “啱key”, which refers to whether you get along well with somebody. Explanation: like the key in a piece of music.
用法: Eg. 你同你朋友啱唔啱key呀?參考: https://shyyp.net/hant/phrase/啱key
定義: Pronounced as 'tee-suu', this is a code-mixing term that Hong Kongers have grown up with and got used to instead of the equivalent term in Cantonese.
用法: E.g. 請問有冇tissue呀?。E.g. 唔該比張tissue黎呀,唔該。
定義: A code-mixing term used by working class Hong Kongers to refer to a CV or resume that has a work history of many different jobs in a short period of time.
用法: E.g. HR:你份CV太jumpy喇!D公司睇到唔會想見你!
定義: 1. (noun) A word used instead of the Cantonese equivalent to denote the meaning of casual wear.
2. (verb) A word used to tell another person to be casual, informal, and relaxed.
3. (adj.) A word used to describe something as being informal, such as an event.
用法: E.g. 同事: 聽日著casual得喇,知道嗎?
E.g. 今日食飯casual D得喇。(隨便)
E.g. 我聽日要去個casual既聚會。(非正式)參考: https://www.esquirehk.com/mens-talk/simon-shen-hong-kong-english-chinese
定義: (adj.) A euphemistic way of saying 'cheap' in Cantonese.
用法: E.g. 喂,你唔洗咁cheap嘛?
E.g. 你正cheap精黎架!
E.g. Cheap到咁樣,我真係第一次見。