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定義: Often pronounced without the 'r' sounds and with a rising tone on the second syllable, this is an a lot more linguistically efficient way of referring to printer (打印機)in Cantonese. 用法: E.g. 內地人:個打印機喺邊呀? 香港人:咩話?三個字咁累贅。叫返printer啦唔該。參考: http://www.patrickchu.net/uploads/9/0/5/3/9053324/2007_free_ppt.pdf


定義: (verb) A code-mixing term that local Hong Kongers like to use to refer to paper being stuck in a printer. 用法: E.g. 個printer又jam紙?唔係掛?同義詞: 卡住紙參考: https://www.threads.net/@hongtonese/post/C8zlfwZytLZ

for some reason

定義: A useful alternative if your boss is tired of hearing the word 'somehow' when you want to avoid saying 'I don't know' to a question. 用法: E.g. For some reason個file corrupt左。 E.g. For some reason個printer壞左。 E.g. For some reason今次個客唔搵我地。


定義: A way to avoid losing face or embarassment when you do not know how to answer the boss's question. However, it can be considered unprofessional if used too much at a workplace. 用法: E.g. 你:我搵過好多次,但係somehow條數搵唔到。老細:哦,係呀?(你:我搵過好多次,但係唔知點解條數搵唔到。老細:咁實有原因架喎?) E.g. 你:個printer somehow壞左呀。老細:哦。(你:個printer唔知點解壞左呀。老細:我唔想聽到唔知點解!)