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定義: A code-mixing term that Hong Kongers often use instead of saying '開會' or having a '會議'. 用法: E.g. 我聽日九點鐘有個meeting。開完meeting再搵你呀?同義詞: 會議參考: https://theinitium.com/roundtable/20170226-lifestyle-mix-chn-eng/


定義: A term used by native Hong Kongers to divert one topic to another in a polite manner. 用法: E.g. 係呀,個proposal已經搞掂了。Anyway, 我兒家要去開meeting。 E.g. 份proposal仲未搞掂?Anyways, 我兒家要食lunch喇。參考: https://holiday.presslogic.com/article/224449/港式-廣東話-中英夾雜-口語-香港人-搭lift-食lunch

primary school chicken

定義: Known as Kongish, this is a code-mixing phrase used by native Hong Kongers to describe someone who is dumb, inexperienced, and immature. 用法: E.g. Pay attention to what the person who is saying during the meeting! Stop acting like a primary school chicken!同義詞: 小學雞參考: https://www.timeout.com/hong-kong/things-to-do/cantonese-slang-you-need-to-know-right-now?utm_campaign=likeshopme&utm_medium=instagram&utm_source=dash+hudson&utm_content=www.instagra

Out bud

定義: A code-mixing term that refers to ‘out of budget’, which is used by working class Hong Kongers in business meetings. 用法: 做project management只睇兩樣。第一就係有冇outside個scope,第二就係有冇out bud。


定義: This is a code-mixing term that refers to a list of matters to be discussed at a meeting. (議程) 用法: E.g. 我哋宜家一齊go through吓今日嘅agenda。同義詞: 議程參考: https://hk.news.yahoo.com/開會常用英文-講完即刻pro咗-095043435.html


定義: A code-mixing term that working class Hong Kongers use to refer to a meeting invitation sent out by the MS Outlook software. 用法: E.g. 係咪聽日想開會傾呢樣野?唔該send個invitation黎先。同義詞: 邀請


定義: A code-mixing term that refers to a person's microphone being muted while in a meeting. 用法: E.g. 同事:喂,我聽唔到呀,你mute左呀。快D搵人叫佢unmute返啦。