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定義: A code-mixing term used by native Hong Kongers to display your level of knowledge, as if you come from higher education background.
用法: E.g. 老闆:我覺得呢個idea好有potential。快D走去落實啦。
E.g. 我覺得你個人好有potential。不過就寸左D。
定義: An a lot more gentle and caring way of telling someone to take care of themselves compared to the Cantonese equivalent. Explanation: 你自己照顧自己—>以後你自己搞掂喇—>你自己食自己—>慘慘豬(@V@)
用法: E.g. 媽咪要去旅行喇。你自己take care喇。
E.g. 以後take care喇。Sayorara.
定義: A more positive-sounding code-mixing term compared to the same item (計劃) in Cantonese. Often pronounced as 'pan'.
用法: E.g. 做D咩都要plan定先得架麻。
E.g. 做D咩都要計劃好先得架麻。(you may sound like a schemer in this one! XD)參考: https://aclanthology.org/O09-5003.pdf
定義: Known as Kongish, this is a code-mixing term added to the end of verbs to express the meaning of completely or to a large extent. (晒 - saai3)
用法: E.g. Mm goi sai! (Thank you so much!) 唔該晒
E.g. Dor jeh sai! (Thank you very much!) 多謝晒
E.g. Jo sai! (Done everything!) 做晒
E.g. Sik sai! (Eaten everything!) 食晒
E.g. Mo sai! (No more left!) 冇晒同義詞: 晒參考: http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/dictionary/characters/1592/
定義: A code-mixing term that often refers to a computer/video game.
用法: E.g. 你最鍾意玩邊隻game呀?同義詞: 遊戲
定義: This is a code-mixing term that is used instead of the Cantonese equivalent '文件夾' to refer to a physical folder or a virtual folder on a computer.
用法: E.g. 喺你個desktop上面開個folder,然後將你既file放入去。
E.g. 老師:唔該把所有功課放喺你個文件夾入面。同學:吓?文件夾?老師,你係邊到黎架?
定義: Often pronounced as '波士', this is a more polite sounding code-mixing term that Hong Kongers often use to refer to '老闆', especially when working in a corporate company.
用法: E.g. 做波士就好啦。我地呢班打工仔一世做奴隸。參考: https://www.gushiciku.cn/dl/0pydp/zh-hk