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定義: A shortened term for the word 'socialise' in English, which may mean different things in various situations.
用法: E.g. 喂,你so吓人好喎?(to show that you care about others)
E.g. 喂,唔好成日掛住soD女仔啦。(to court somebody)
E.g. 喂,後生仔要出黎soso吓先得架嘛。(to socialise)
E.g. 喂,你最近好似唔係好so-so喎。(being social)
定義: Known as Kongish, this is a code-mixing phrase that native Hong Kongers when someone sneezes, which is similar to 'Bless you!' in English. (大吉利是)
用法: E.g. A: Ack-choo! B: Big tangerine and red packets!同義詞: 大吉利是
定義: Known as Kongish, this is a code-mixing term used by native Hong Kongers to refer to a person who is a yellow-skinned Asian but speaks English very well. I.e. Yellow on the outside but white on the inside like a bamboo stick. (竹升)
用法: E.g. Please don’t treat me like a bamboo stick! (竹升) I know how to speak Chinese!同義詞: 竹升
定義: A code-mixing term used by real ABCs in Hong Kong to refer to an Asian who speaks English. Ie. Yellow on the outside and white on the inside. (香蕉)
用法: E.g. I am not a banana! I know how to speak Chinese!同義詞: 香蕉
定義: Known as Kongish, this is a code-mixing term used by native Hong Kongers to tell somebody to hurry up, which is similar to the phrase 'chop chop' in English. (Also see 'la la lum')
用法: E.g. Ja ja lum go to school now or you will miss the bus!
Eg. Finish your homework! Ja ja lum la!同義詞: 咋咋臨