496 results found
定義: A code-mixing term meaning to further oneself's studies.
用法: E.g. 做人要不斷upgrade自己先夠充實架嘛。
定義: An Englishised Cantonese phrase that real ABC Hong Kongers use to refer to going to a traditional Chinese restaurant for dim sum. (飲茶)
用法: E.g. Let's go to yum cha this weekend!同義詞: 飲茶
定義: Classified as 'JM tone', this is a code-mixing style adopted by Hong Kong celebrity Janice Man to represent the upper class. (Notice that the letter m is a voiced consonant in this word and should be emphasized for extremely proper pronunciation.)
用法: E.g. 我週末得閒既時候會同朋友去睇mmmovie。
定義: A euphemistic code-mixing term that refers to 'menstruation' in English. However, it is also used as 'M記' to refer to McDonald\'s.
用法: E.g. 唔好話我聽兒家先黎M麻?
E.g. 今次真係M到阿媽都唔認得喇!E.g. 今日又食M記?唔好喇掛!