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定義: Often pronounced as 'meemo', this is a code-mixing term that Hong Kongers use to refer to memo paper. 用法: E.g. 喂,可唔可以幫我抄D野落張meemo到?參考: https://www.hk01.com/開罐/633876/港式英語-19個英文字港人常讀錯-釘橋-cam錢-janet讀到似中文


定義: A code-mixing term that Hong Kongers use to describe a person with a feminised voice. 用法: E.g. 我覺得呢個男人cam cam哋。唔知真係男人定係女人呢?參考: http://www.cmi.hku.hk/Ref/Article/article02/01.html


定義: This is a code-mixing term that Hong Kongers use to refer to '噱頭'. 用法: E.g. 你有沒有留意樓下那家coffee shop最近常做promotion,我覺得滿有gimmick同義詞: 噱頭參考: https://hk.news.yahoo.com/港人中英夾雜有規律-網友-太神奇-020000181.html


定義: Classified as 'JM tone', this is a code-mixing style adopted by Hong Kong celebrity Janice Man to represent the upper class. (Notice that the letter m is a voiced consonant in this word and should be emphasized for extremely proper pronunciation.) 用法: E.g. 我週末得閒既時候會同朋友去睇mooovie。

my favit

定義: A more linguistically efficient code-mixing term that refers to 'my favourite' in English. Originated from Hong Kong actor Ron Ng (吳卓羲). 用法: E.g. 呢到既牛腩河係至正架!簡直係my favit!E.g. 吳卓羲:「Tailin, 賣飛佛(泰林,我的最愛)」參考: https://evchk.fandom.com/zh/wiki/賣飛佛

Come on

定義: A tag switching phrase overused by Fake ABCs to create a western appeal. 用法: Eg. Come on baby! 聽日同我出街啦!參考: https://www.ctgoodjobs.hk/article/中英夾雜-同事經常扮abc-文法錯漏百出-打工仔-唔識就講返中文啦/1342-29015


定義: A code-mixing term that Hong Kongers often use instead of the Cantonese equivalent '心情'. 用法: E.g. 今日出面咁多人咁迫,真係冇咩mood行街。同義詞: 心情參考: http://www.cmi.hku.hk/Ref/Article/article02/01.html


定義: A code-mixing term that Hong Kongers often use to refer to the list of dishes available at a restaurant. (餐牌) 用法: E.g. 伙記,唔該比個menu我睇呀。同義詞: 餐牌參考: http://www.cmi.hku.hk/Ref/Article/article02/01.html


定義: A code-mixing term that refers to a person with a mixed-race descent. 用法: E.g. A:你係唔係mix黎架?B:乜我似mix咩?多謝。E.g. A:你係唔係mix黎架?B:係!當然係啦!我係澳門香港mix呀!

give you some color see see

定義: A euphemistic way of saying to somebody that you want to teach them a lesson or show them what you've got. (比D顏色你睇) 用法: E.g. 咁寸?! Let me give you some color see see!同義詞: 比D顏色你睇