62 results found
定義: 1. (noun) Often used as 'Ah head', this is a code-mixing term that refers to the boss or leader of a company or department.
2. (verb) Used to refer to being led by a person, usually someone of higher authority.
用法: E.g. 你間公司個阿Head係邊個?我要見佢!\nE.g. 你醒目就唔會成日比人head住啦。
定義: Pronounced as 'serfaah', this is a code-mixing term that Hong Kongers use to refer to a computer server in IT.
用法: E.g. 個server整好未呀?冇理由down左咁耐架?同義詞: 服務器
定義: This is a code-mixing term that refers to being eliminated in a competition, or being disqualified due to breaking the rules in a sports game.
用法: E.g. 小心比球證吹罰呀。再犯多次規就foul你出局。
E.g. 我第一round interview就比人foul左喇。真係慘慘豬。參考: http://www.cmi.hku.hk/Ref/Article/article02/01.html
定義: A code-mixing phrase that is used by Hong Kongers to mean that they are ready to go to work whenever they get a call from their company.
用法: E.g. 我每星期工作五天。不過我假日都要on call。
定義: Pronounced as 'lig', this is a code-mixing term used by native Hong Kongers to refer to computer lag.
用法: E.g. 部機好似唔夠RAM,好lag機呀。
定義: A shortened code-mixing term that Hong Kongers use to refer to the word 'register', such as registering for an account in an app to become a member.
用法: E.g. 快D download個app再reg個account成為會員啦!同義詞: 申請