247 results found
定義: A code-mixing term that native Hong Kongers use to refer to the wire that melts when the electric current exceeds the safe level in a device.
用法: E.g. 唔好chur到部機咁行,如果咪燒fuse屎架。同義詞: 燒fuse, 燒保險絲參考: https://lihkg.com/thread/3579513/page/2
定義: Pronounced with a rising intonation on the second syllable, this is a code-mixing term that native Hong Kongers use to refer to doing something at exactly the right time, such as a love relationship.
用法: E.g. 其實愛情都幾講timing。有時要搵啱個timing先可以喺埋一齊。同義詞: 時機參考: https://lihkg.com/thread/60469/page/1
定義: A code-mixing term that local Hong Kongers use to refer to a small wireless unit that is plugged into a computer’s USB port for receiving signals for a keyboard or mouse.
用法: E.g. 有冇見過我個receiver? 我好似唔見左。同義詞: 接收器