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定義: A code-mixing term that Hong Kongers often use to refer to the Cantonese equivalent '使用者'. 用法: E.g. 同完個user傾好要咩feature未呀? E.g. 喺user既角度,呢個係一個bug。


定義: A code-mixing term that Hong Kongers often use to refer to the Cantonese equivalent '掃描'. 用法: E.g. 可以scan份document比我嗎? E.g. 喂,個scanner壞左呀。幾時搵人黎整呀?參考: https://www.esquirehk.com/mens-talk/simon-shen-hong-kong-english-chinese


定義: Often pronounced as 'fi-lo' with a rising tone on the second syllable, this is a code-mixing term that is more generic to be used for a number of different items in Cantonese. 用法: E.g. 唔該copy呢個file比我。(電腦檔案) E.g. 買多個file儲住D紀錄。(文件夾) E.g. 警察:我哋會睇返呢單case既file。(檔案)參考: https://aclanthology.org/O09-5003.pdf


定義: This is a code-mixing term that is used instead of the Cantonese equivalent '文件夾' to refer to a physical folder or a virtual folder on a computer. 用法: E.g. 喺你個desktop上面開個folder,然後將你既file放入去。 E.g. 老師:唔該把所有功課放喺你個文件夾入面。同學:吓?文件夾?老師,你係邊到黎架?

double confirm

定義: Even though the word 'double' may seem redundant, this is a code-mixing expression that is often used in the workplaces of Hong Kong when you want to verify something. 用法: E.g. 可唔可以double confirm吓個schedule呀? E.g. 唔該幫我double confirm吓每一個detail呀。參考: https://smelab.com.hk/職場英語-double-confirm-reconfirm/

I cant believe it

定義: A tag-switching phrase that is often overused by Fake ABC's in Hong Kong. 用法: E.g. I can't believe it!呢隻牌子你唔係未聽過嗎? E.g. Oh my God! 你唔係未去過呢間餐廳嘛?I can't believe it!參考: https://topick.hket.com/article/555250/偽ABC扮唔識中文%20網民揶揄造作


定義: A code-mixing term that often refers to a computer/video game. 用法: E.g. 你最鍾意玩邊隻game呀?同義詞: 遊戲


定義: A code-mixing term that is often used to refer to a computer document (文件). 用法: E.g. 唔該你send份document過黎呀。記住要pdf喎。同義詞: 文件參考: https://www.esquirehk.com/mens-talk/simon-shen-hong-kong-english-chinese


定義: The Hong Kong way of referring to a female police officer (女警官). 用法: E.g. 女警:Target出現。全世界出動!下屬:Yes, Madam!同義詞: 女警官參考: https://www.gushiciku.cn/dl/0pydp/zh-hk


定義: 1. (adj) This is a code-mixing word that refers to being outdated. 2. (verb) To instruct someone to be eliminated or get out of the room. 用法: E.g. 你兒家先聽呢首歌?你真係好out呀。(adj) E.g. 你同我out!(verb)參考: https://www.gushiciku.cn/dl/0pydp/zh-hk