481 results found
定義: A way to express how nice someone is on the surface.
用法: E.g. 佢個人好nice,但係識耐左先知道原來係虛偽。E.g. 佢個人好nice,不過唔知個人好唔好呢?
定義: A more suitable way to describe how close a relationship is than the word ‘親密’ (intimate).
用法: E.g. 你同你個friend close唔close架?E.g. 你有幾多個close friend?
定義: A euphemistic way of telling somebody to eat sh*t (食屎).
用法: E.g. 咁巴閉?! Eat c la!
定義: A code-mixing term that is often used in the workplace environment of Hong Kong to refer to a proposal document.
用法: E.g. 老細叫你打嗰份proposal打完未呀?E.g. 今次份proposal太短喇,又唔夠detail。再打過啦。
定義: Often used as 'AA制' (policy), this is a code-mixing term that Hong Kongers often use to refer to paying for yourself at a meal. (Also known as 'going Dutch' in English)
用法: E.g. 今餐AA制得唔得呀?同義詞: 食自己, 自己比