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282 results found

explode rock

定義: Known as Kongish and sometimes used as 'to go rock blasting', this is a code-mixing phrase used by native Hong Kongers to refer to going for a wee. (爆石) 用法: E.g. Please wait a moment. I need to go rock blasting!同義詞: 爆石


定義: Pronounced as 'heet' (long vowel), this is a code-mixing term that refers to something being very successful or popular. 用法: E.g. 呢套戲好hit呀。快D睇啦。 E.g. 呢首歌又好似hit返喇喎。

long d

定義: A shortened term for 'long distance' meaning to have a long distance relationship with someone. 用法: E.g. 我plan左去working holiday。到陣時要同男朋友long d喇。參考: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uik5GWvXiLA&t=210s


定義: Pronounced as '痾打', this is a more elegant term that refers to the Cantonese equivalent(落單)for placing orders.  Sometimes, it is used by the police when giving instructions to the subordinates. 用法: E.g. D野仲未黎既?我落左order好耐喇喎。快D吹吓佢。E.g. 警察:This is an order! Understand?! 下屬:Yes, sir!同義詞: 落單參考: https://www.gushiciku.cn/dl/0pydp/zh-hk


定義: 1. (adj) This is a code-mixing word that refers to being outdated. 2. (verb) To instruct someone to be eliminated or get out of the room. 用法: E.g. 你兒家先聽呢首歌?你真係好out呀。(adj) E.g. 你同我out!(verb)參考: https://www.gushiciku.cn/dl/0pydp/zh-hk

wat gei

定義: Known as Kongish and having the literal meaning of 'bend machine', this is a code-mixing term used by native Hong Kongers to refer to having overly powerful ability to do something. 用法: E.g. You must be wat gei in this game because you practice all the time!同義詞: 屈機參考: https://www.localiiz.com/post/culture-local-stories-guide-hong-kong-cantonese-slang-internet

eight woman

定義: (vulgar) Known as Kongish, this is a code-mixing term used by native Hong Kongers to describe a female person who is nosy and meddles in other people's business. Similar to 'bitch' in English. Literal meaning of 八婆: eight old woman 用法: E.g. Mind your own business, eight woman! (八婆) E.g. Are you done messing around, die eight woman?! (死八婆) E.g. You are such an eight woman! (正八婆)同義詞: 八婆參考: https://www.secretchina.com/news/b5/2013/11/29/521805.html

two five boy

定義: Known as Kongish, this is a code-mixing phrase that native Hong Kongers use to refer to someone who betrays others. ie. A traitor. (二五仔) 用法: E.g. I can't believe you are the two five boy who let out the secret!同義詞: 二五仔參考: https://www.wenweipo.com/a/202105/25/AP60ac0e63e4b0a46dabeb8867.html

double confirm

定義: Even though the word 'double' may seem redundant, this is a code-mixing expression that is often used in the workplaces of Hong Kong when you want to verify something. 用法: E.g. 可唔可以double confirm吓個schedule呀? E.g. 唔該幫我double confirm吓每一個detail呀。參考: https://smelab.com.hk/職場英語-double-confirm-reconfirm/

eatings peanuts while waiting to watch a film

定義: Known as Kongish, this is a code-mixing phrase used by native Hong Kongers to describe a situation where there is a scene or fight going on between people, and you are just excited to watch what will happen as a bystander. '食住花生等睇戲' can be shortened to '食花生' sometimes. 用法: E.g. I have never seen people argue like this over Whatsapp! Let's eat peanuts while waiting to watch a film!同義詞: 食住花生等睇戲參考: https://www.localiiz.com/post/culture-local-stories-popular-cantonese-idioms