492 results found
定義: A code-mixing term often used by working class Hong Kongers to indicate the purpose of a product, in order to pitch and sell it to a customer.
用法: E.g. 呢個app係for你地客戶用架,令到你地方便好多。
E.g. 呢樣產品係for女士用架,尤其係貪靚嗰D。參考: https://cantowords.com/dictionary/for#w100337
定義: Also written as '啹' in Cantonese, this is a code-mixing term that refers to the feeling of accepting somebody who is an adversary.
用法: E.g. 佢上次嬴我令到我好唔gur,不過今次我嬴返佢我就gur哂。同義詞: 啹參考: https://words.hk/zidin/v/啹
定義: A code-mixing term that is often used by native Hong Kongers to refer to getting high or excited.
用法: E.g. 尋晚唱K唱到好high。
E.g. 你咪成日喺到自high啦。
定義: Often used as '搞爛gag', this is a code-mixing term used by native Hong Kongers to refer to a lame joke or broken joke.
用法: E.g. 你唔好成日喺到搞爛gag啦!一D都唔好笑!參考: https://zh-yue.wikipedia.org/wiki/爛Gag
定義: Known as Kongish and derived from '長氣', this is a code-mixing term used by native Hong Kongers to refer to a friend who is always so verbose and says the same thing over and over again, like a grandma.
用法: E.g. 喂,我頂你!唔好咁long gas得唔得呀?!(長氣)同義詞: 長氣參考: https://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/dictionary/words/2630/
定義: Derived from '一波三折', this is a Kongish code-mixing phrase used by native Hong Kongers to describe an unexpected event with twists and turns. Literal meaning: A wave that is split into three segments.
用法: E.g. 呢排真係好黑仔呀。簡直係one ball seventy percent off呀。(一波三折)同義詞: 一波三折參考: https://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/dictionary/words/58665/