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定義: (adj.) A code-mixing term used to describe someone or something as being very trendy. 用法: E.g. 哇,你今日著得好IN呀。 E.g. 聽返D流行音樂,咁先夠IN架嘛。 E.g. 做後生仔要夠IN先得架嘛。參考: https://www.gushiciku.cn/dl/0pydp/zh-hk

blow water without wiping mouth

定義: Derived from '吹水唔抹嘴', this is a Kongish code-mixing term that refers to someone who brags about his or her achievements and doesn't take any responsibility for it. ie. To talk bullsh*t. 用法: E.g. Don't believe in what he says! He likes blowing water without wiping mouth all the time! (唔好信佢講既野!佢成日都鍾意喺度吹水唔抹嘴!)同義詞: 吹水唔抹嘴

collect skin

定義: A code-mixing term that native Hong Kongers use to tell somebody to shut the f**k up. It is used instead of the Cantonese equivalent '收皮' in order to tone down the directness of this very rude phrase. It originates from street vendors who used to pack their things up on wooden mats when police arrived back in those days of Hong Kong. 用法: E.g. 喂,講完未呀?Collect skin啦。E.g. 真係頂你唔順呀,快D collect skin啦。同義詞: 收皮參考: https://www.timeout.com/hong-kong/things-to-do/cantonese-slang-you-need-to-know-right-now?utm_campaign=likeshopme&utm_medium=instagram&utm_source=dash+hudson&utm_content=www.instagram.com/p/Cy8AD_WtaxO/

sing k

定義: A Kongish code-mixing term that refers to singing karaoke. 用法: E.g Gum man hui ng hui sing k? (今晚去唔去唱K?)同義詞: 唱卡啦OK

chee sor hai bin

定義: A romanised Cantonese phrase that westernised Hong Kongers use when they want to ask where a washroom is. 用法: E.g. Chee sor hai bin? (廁所喺邊?)同義詞: 廁所喺邊?參考: https://homekong.com.hk/blogs/read/helpful-cantonese-phrases-to-know


定義: Often pronounced without the 'r' sounds and with a rising tone on the second syllable, this is an a lot more linguistically efficient way of referring to printer (打印機)in Cantonese. 用法: E.g. 內地人:個打印機喺邊呀? 香港人:咩話?三個字咁累贅。叫返printer啦唔該。參考: http://www.patrickchu.net/uploads/9/0/5/3/9053324/2007_free_ppt.pdf

Dinner / din

定義: A fashionable, elegant way of referring to dinner in Cantonese. 用法: Eg. 去邊到食dinner好呢? Eg. 你想去邊到吃din呀?參考: http://www.patrickchu.net/uploads/9/0/5/3/9053324/2007_free_ppt.pdf


定義: A code-mixing term often used by overseas educated Hong Kongers to refer to the day that work must be handed in and finalised. 用法: E.g. 老闆:下次知道要搞咁耐就早D返公司喇。 下屬:你話有野要交比個客睇,但係冇話過係deadline喎。 E.g. 老闆:今日係deadline,做唔完野要OT。 下屬:D野一早就做哂喇。


定義: A code-mixing term used by working class Hong Kongers to refer to suggesting many ideas for a topic or activity very quickly. 用法: E.g. 大家一齊brainstorm吓產品既idea。參考: https://www.story001.com/post-196.html

frankly speaking

定義: A code-mixing term that is used when you really care not to offend someone. 用法: E.g. Frankly speaking呢,我覺得你唔夠quali囉。 E.g. Frankly speaking呢,我對你既印象麻麻地囉。 E.g. Frankly speaking呢,我覺得你好扮野囉。