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定義: Pronounced as 'tee-suu', this is a code-mixing term that Hong Kongers have grown up with and got used to instead of the equivalent term in Cantonese. 用法: E.g. 請問有冇tissue呀?。E.g. 唔該比張tissue黎呀,唔該。


定義: A fashionable way of referring to lunch in Cantonese. 用法: Eg. 喂,不如一齊食lunch呀?Eg. 放lunch想食D咩呀?參考: http://www.patrickchu.net/uploads/9/0/5/3/9053324/2007_free_ppt.pdf

you know

定義: A tag-switching phrase overused by Fake ABC's in Hong Kong to create a western appeal. 用法: E.g. You know, 我成日去做gym緊係fit啦, you know。E.g. 我係上等人咁緊係成日夾雜英文啦, you know?參考: https://travel.ulifestyle.com.hk/news/detail/12179/明明無r音都要捲舌-5大令人頂唔順的偽abc特徵/1

no bullsh*t lets go

定義: A code-mixing term used by upper class Hong Kongers to express how serious a matter is and is no joke at all. 用法: E.g. 鍾培生:Sign the f***ing contract. No bullsh*t let's go.參考: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDK59_Yhv6Y


定義: A Kongish code-mixing term that local Hong Kongers use to refer to something of the best quality. 用法: E.g. 2000FUN討論區是香港最「Goodest」。同義詞: 最好,best參考: https://evchk.fandom.com/zh/wiki/Goodest

arm arm

定義: A Kongish code-mixing phrase that local Hong Kongers use to refer to something that has just happened. 用法: E.g. My frd arm arm told me kui find gun ppl. E.g. Ngo arm arm sik jor farn. (我啱啱食左飯。)同義詞: 啱啱參考: https://www.hk01.com/開罐/283411/大學生打字用火星文-10句港式英文拼音大挑戰-測試你識幾多


定義: A code-mixing term that working class Hong Kongers like to use to refer to a duplicate of something, such as a document. 用法: E.g. 份document整多幾份copy黎呀,唔該。同義詞: 副本


定義: A code-mixing term that working class Hong Kongers in the IT sector like to use to refer to the local environment of a computer. 用法: E.g. 你要喺local試吓run個program,然後再upload上去個server到試。同義詞: 本地

develop branch

定義: A code-mixing term that local Hong Kongers in IT sectors like to use to refer to a pointer to a snapshot of changes in a code repository. 用法: E.g. 你兒家喺main branch, 咁你要checkout返個develop branch先可以開始做野。同義詞: 分支,開發線參考: https://git-scm.com/book/zh/v2/Git-分支-分支简介


定義: A romanised code-mixing term that foreignised Hong Kongers use when they want to say ‘yes’ to someone. 用法: Hong Konger: Are you a gweilo? Foreigner: Hai.同義詞: 係參考: https://www.timeout.com/hong-kong/travel/basic-cantonese-phrases-every-traveller-to-hong-kong-needs-to-know