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定義: A code-mixing term that working class Hong Kongers love to use to refer to sending a copy of an email message to another recipient. 用法: E.g. 份email記住cc埋比所有人。同義詞: 抄送


定義: A way to avoid losing face or embarassment when you do not know how to answer the boss's question. However, it can be considered unprofessional if used too much at a workplace. 用法: E.g. 你:我搵過好多次,但係somehow條數搵唔到。老細:哦,係呀?(你:我搵過好多次,但係唔知點解條數搵唔到。老細:咁實有原因架喎?) E.g. 你:個printer somehow壞左呀。老細:哦。(你:個printer唔知點解壞左呀。老細:我唔想聽到唔知點解!)


定義: A Hong Kong style business trip where one tries to enjoy himself like going on a vacation, in addition to visiting a client for work purposes. 用法: E.g. 老闆:下個星期你要幫我出trip見個客,知道嗎? 你:好呀! E.g. 唔知今次出trip好唔好玩呢?參考: https://www.esquirehk.com/mens-talk/simon-shen-hong-kong-english-chinese

ride an ox to look for a horse

定義: Known as Kongish, this is a code-mixing phrase that native Hong Kongers use to describe working for a job while looking for a better one. (騎牛搵馬 - ke4 ngau4 wan2 maa5) 用法: E.g. Look for a job first! You can always ride an ox while looking for a horse!同義詞: 騎牛搵馬參考: https://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?3,139574,139575

double confirm

定義: Even though the word 'double' may seem redundant, this is a code-mixing expression that is often used in the workplaces of Hong Kong when you want to verify something. 用法: E.g. 可唔可以double confirm吓個schedule呀? E.g. 唔該幫我double confirm吓每一個detail呀。參考: https://smelab.com.hk/職場英語-double-confirm-reconfirm/


定義: Often pronounced as '波士', this is a more polite sounding code-mixing term that Hong Kongers often use to refer to '老闆', especially when working in a corporate company. 用法: E.g. 做波士就好啦。我地呢班打工仔一世做奴隸。參考: https://www.gushiciku.cn/dl/0pydp/zh-hk


定義: A code-mixing term that Hong Kongers like to use when talking about work, as the Cantonese equivalent terms may denote a higher responsibility. 用法: E.g. 呢件事你handle可以嗎?(處理) E.g. 咁多功課hand唔handle到呀?(應付) E.g. 公司既財政邊個handle架?(負責)