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105 results found

explode seed

定義: Originated from Gundam seed and used as '爆seed' (explode seed), this is a code-mixing term that native Hong Kongers use to refer to unleashing one's potential. 用法: E.g. 呢鋪game我志在必得,各位我要出絕招爆seed啦!參考: https://saucemedia.net/interesting/香港過氣潮語-潮語-十卜-32355/7/


定義: Known as Kongish and used as '有種' (have seed), this is a code-mixing term that native Hong Kongers use to refer to not being afraid or having the guts to do something. 用法: E.g. If you have seed, then I will give you some colour see see! (有種)參考: https://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?3,139574,139575

cut my head and let you sit on it as a chair

定義: Known as Kongish, this is a code-mixing phrase that native Hong Kongers use to strongly express promise in doing something when the other person does not believe in you. (批個頭比你當凳坐) 用法: E.g. If I don't return my money back to you by tomorrow, then I cut my head and let you sit on it as a chair!!!同義詞: 批個頭比你當凳坐參考: https://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?3,139574,139575


定義: A code-mixing term used by the upper class Hong Kongers to refer to the Italian luxury brand. However, the grassroots Hong Kongers pronounce it as '飛甩雞毛', which means the chicken dropping its feathers. 用法: E.g. A:你著緊咩牌子?飛甩雞毛?B:係Ferragamo呀。同義詞: 飛甩雞毛


定義: Derived from 'good game' in English, this is a code-mixing term that Hong Kongers use to refer to a bad situation, such as not completing work before a deadline. (完蛋了) 用法: E.g. 今晚做唔哂D野真係gg喇。點算呀?(完蛋了)參考: https://www.csb.gov.hk/hkgcsb/eon/190/190/190_3.html


定義: Originated from a Steven Chow movie, this is a code-mixing term that native Hong Kongers use to describe a brief period of time where one wants to unleash his potential. (瞬間) 用法: E.g. 我醬爆感覺到,喺呢個moment,要爆喇同義詞: 瞬間參考: https://www.hk01.com/電影/46299/愛-回帶-少林足球-醬爆-變漲爆-何文輝愈撈愈掂


定義: 1. (adj) A code-mixing term that Hong Kongers use to describe a person being clever or quick to notice things. Sometimes, it is used as 'sharp醒'. 2. (adj) Used to describe someone's appearance as being too eye-catching. 用法: E.g. 哇,乜今日咁sharp醒呀?咁快做哂D野? E.g. 呢件衫D顏色太sharp喇。參考: http://www.cmi.hku.hk/Ref/Article/article02/01.html

rocket science

定義: A code-mixing phrase that overseas educated Hong Kongers use to emphasize that something is not a complex problem. 用法: E.g. 呢個問題唔係rocket science。再一齊諗諗佢就解決得到。參考: https://www.mi-learning.com/itsnotrocketscience-meaning/

no eye see

定義: Known as Kongish, this is a code-mixing phrase that refers to something that is like an eyesore to oneself because he or she cannot withstand it anymore. 用法: E.g. 你地做成日都打爛野。我真係no eye see喇。(冇眼睇)同義詞: 冇眼睇參考: https://hklanguage.home.blog/tag/kongish/


定義: 1. (adj). To describe a hectic state where you are so busy that you feel like you cannot breathe. 2. (verb). An Englishised code-mixing term that refers to exhausting oneself in order to get work done in a short period of time, which is usually brought on by demanding customers or people of high authority. 用法: E.g. 今日返工真係好chur呀。(adj) E.g. 哇,呢個客洗唔洗chur到咁盡呀?比條生路人地行吓好嗎?(verb)參考: https://zolimacitymag.com/pop-cantonese-hea-chok-chur/