43 results found
定義: A code-mixing term that Hong Kongers often use instead of '炫耀', which sounds too formal to be used in conversation. Also used as 'show qualie' sometimes.
用法: E.g. 唔好成日係到show off啦。知道你勁喇。E.g. 成日講野都夾雜英文。你喺到show qualie呀?
定義: Derived from '你大我?‘, this is a Kongish code-mixing phrase that native Hong Kongers use when they feel that someone is bluffing them by a display of confidence.
用法: E.g. You big me? 我big返你and give you some color you see呀!(你大我?我大返你再比D顏色你睇呀!)同義詞: 你大我?