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定義: A more neutral-sounding term that native Hong Kongers use to refer to '購物' or '買野', which signify the commitment to buying things. 用法: E.g. 女朋友:我地聽日去商場啦。男朋友:吓?又買野?!女朋友:唔係呀。去shopping咋嘛。 E.g. 女朋友:我地聽日去shopping啦。男朋友:又買野?!女朋友:去window shopping咋嘛。參考: https://www.academia.edu/1177618/Cantonese_English_code_switching_research_in_Hong_Kong_A_survey_of_recent_research


定義: A code-mixing term that Hong Kongers often use instead of saying '開會' or having a '會議'. 用法: E.g. 我聽日九點鐘有個meeting。開完meeting再搵你呀?同義詞: 會議參考: https://theinitium.com/roundtable/20170226-lifestyle-mix-chn-eng/


定義: This is a code-mixing term that is used instead of the Cantonese equivalent '大文件夾' to refer to a large-sized folder for keeping documents. 用法: E.g. 如果folder唔夠大,搵個binder再放哂D文件入去。


定義: A code-mixing term that refers to the ending of a matter, story, or event. 用法: E.g. Ending係點,我地自己決定架。(來至電影"明日戰記")


定義: (adj.) A code-mixing term used to describe someone or something as being very trendy. 用法: E.g. 哇,你今日著得好IN呀。 E.g. 聽返D流行音樂,咁先夠IN架嘛。 E.g. 做後生仔要夠IN先得架嘛。參考: https://www.gushiciku.cn/dl/0pydp/zh-hk


定義: A code-mixing term that is more appropriate to use than the equivalent term (培訓)in Cantonese. 用法: E.g. 你新黎既話,公司係會有training比你。 E.g. A:我今晚要培訓呀。B:吓?你陪邊個呀?!(陪訓)參考: https://www.gushiciku.cn/dl/0pydp/zh-hk


定義: A chic-sounding code-mixing term used in Hong Kong Cantonese that shows the speaker's education background and western appeal. 用法: E.g. 唔好意思,我週末要去shopping。唔得閒應酬你。 E.g. 做人唔shop下ping邊得呀?參考: https://sites.google.com/site/hongkonglinguistics/Downhome/language-contact-in-hong-kong/cantonese-englishintra-sententialcode-switchinginhongkong


定義: (verb) A code-mixing term that refers to describing a matter as something else, especially in politics. 用法: E.g. 鍾培生:阿林作好鍾意將件事spin到同政治有關。


定義: A more polite way to refer to a person's standpoint, as the Cantonese equivalent term '點', meaning a dot, can refer to a woman's breast. 用法: E.g. 男人:喂,我真係好唔明你個point喎!女人:唔緊要。我慢慢解釋比你聽。 E.g. 男人:喂,我真係好唔明你個點喎!女人:你話我邊點呀?唔好性騷擾喎!參考: https://medium.com/@girlslearnenglish/你說話會中英夾雜嗎-被-污名化-的中英夾雜-why-code-mixing-is-totally-fine-32eb1f280ca

people mountain people sea

定義: A code-mixing term used by Hong Kongers to emphasize how crowded and jam-packed a place is. 用法: E.g. 同事:今日搭車返工多唔多人呀? 你:多呀,可以話係people mountain people sea呀。 E.g. 你:哇,人山人海呀!朋友:簡直係people mountain people sea啦!