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定義: A code-mixing term that real ABC's like to use to show that they are always glad to do a favour for someone.
用法: E.g. Sure!No problem!拜托喺我身上啦。
E.g. Sure!我同你去Starbucks買杯咖啡啦。
E.g. Sure!我幫你比住錢先啦。
定義: A code-mixing phrase that is often mistakened as grammatically incorrect due to the word 'very' being considered redundant, as 'delicious' already denotes the meaning of very yummy. However, it originates from '好好味' in Cantonese, which means 'very very tasty'.
用法: E.g. 哇,D野食真係very delicious呀。同義詞: 好好味
定義: A romanised Cantonese phrase that westernised Hong Kongers use to ask a shopkeeper how much something costs, which is extremely effective when bargaining for a lower price at wet markets. It can also be shortened to 'gay cheen' (幾錢).
用法: E.g. Gay dor cheen? (幾多錢?)
E.g. Gay cheen? (幾錢?)同義詞: 幾多錢?參考: https://homekong.com.hk/blogs/read/helpful-cantonese-phrases-to-know
定義: A way to express how nice someone is on the surface.
用法: E.g. 佢個人好nice,但係識耐左先知道原來係虛偽。E.g. 佢個人好nice,不過唔知個人好唔好呢?
定義: A more suitable way to describe how close a relationship is than the word ‘親密’ (intimate).
用法: E.g. 你同你個friend close唔close架?E.g. 你有幾多個close friend?
定義: A euphemistic way of saying to somebody that you want to teach them a lesson or show them what you've got. (比D顏色你睇)
用法: E.g. 咁寸?! Let me give you some color see see!同義詞: 比D顏色你睇
定義: A posh way of saying that you admire someone's work or effort, in order to show your high social status or higher education background.
用法: E.g. 我好appreciate你個idea. Well done.
E.g. 我好appreciate你做既野。不過,你都唔可以迫我accept你個apology。
定義: A noun-turned-adjective code-mixing term used to describe how charming or attractive a person is.
用法: E.g. 喂,你覺得佢好charm嗎?
E.g. 你今日著得好charm喎。