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定義: Known as Kongish and derived from the bowl-shaped Chinese frying pan '鑊' (wok), this is a measure word that is often used by native Hong Kongers to refer to a number of different bad situations.
用法: E.g. Big wok! (大鑊 - big trouble has occurred)
E.g. Big wok explosion! (爆大鑊 - someone revealed a big secret)
E.g. Carry wok. (孭鑊 - To take the blame for someone)
E.g. Slip a wok. (跣一鑊 - To set somebody up for some trouble)
E.g. To make you a wok. (整你一鑊 - To give someone a trouble)
E.g. Let's be cooked together in a wok! (同你一鑊熟 - To get someone else into the same trouble as you)同義詞: 鑊參考: https://zolimacitymag.com/pop-cantonese-big-wok-%E5%A4%A7%E9%91%8A-language/
定義: An overused code-mixing term that Hong Kongers use to refer to sharing something.
用法: E.g. 快D po你D相上網同大家share吓啦。
E.g. 去完旅行買左D咩好野同大家share吓啦。
E.g. 今日開會有咩想同大家share吓呢?
定義: A code-mixing term that upper class Hong Kongers love to use to refer to ‘下午茶’, which is afternoon tea.
用法: E.g. 今日下晝有冇時間high tea呀?
E.g. High唔high tea呀你? (下午茶)同義詞: 下午茶