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定義: A code-mixing term that refers to the part of the song that is repeated several times. (副歌)
用法: E.g. 老師:今次唱得唔錯。不過我地再黎多次個chorus呀,唔該。
E.g. 老師:我地一齊再唱多次段副歌!學生:副歌?老師,你係邊到黎架?
定義: A code-mixing term that can also be used to refer to a non-human object.
用法: E.g. 咁快開波?等我warm up吓先。
E.g. 同事A:喂,部機咁慢既? 同事B:部機要warm up吓先得架。
定義: A code-mixing term used to mean fashionable and attractive. However, it can also refer to being snobby sometimes.
用法: E.g. 哇,你載左太陽眼鏡好cool呀。
E.g. 唔好成日係到扮cool啦。你以為你自己好型咩?參考: https://www.gushiciku.cn/dl/0pydp/zh-hk
定義: A code-mixing term meaning to replay or do something over and over again. (verb)
用法: E.g. 喂,就算首歌好正都唔洗狂loop嘛?
E.g. 知道你大學畢業英文勁喇。唔洗成日loop比我聽嘛?
定義: Pronounced as 'shalup', this is a code-mixing term used to tell somebody to shut up immediately.
用法: E.g. 好鬼嘈呀!快D shalup啦!
E.g. 同學:Shalup!老師就快到喇!同義詞: 收聲
定義: A code-mixing term that refers to a person with a mixed-race descent.
用法: E.g. A:你係唔係mix黎架?B:乜我似mix咩?多謝。
E.g. A:你係唔係mix黎架?B:係!當然係啦!我係澳門香港mix呀!
定義: A way to express how nice someone is on the surface.
用法: E.g. 佢個人好nice,但係識耐左先知道原來係虛偽。
E.g. 佢個人好nice,不過唔知個人好唔好呢?