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定義: A code-mixing term that refers to a person with a mixed-race descent.
用法: E.g. A:你係唔係mix黎架?B:乜我似mix咩?多謝。
E.g. A:你係唔係mix黎架?B:係!當然係啦!我係澳門香港mix呀!
定義: A euphemistic code-mixing term that refers to 'menstruation' in English. However, it is also used as 'M記' to refer to McDonald\'s.
用法: E.g. 唔好話我聽兒家先黎M麻?
E.g. 今次真係M到阿媽都唔認得喇!E.g. 今日又食M記?唔好喇掛!
定義: (verb) A code-mixing term that refers to describing a matter as something else, especially in politics.
用法: E.g. 鍾培生:阿林作好鍾意將件事spin到同政治有關。
定義: Pronounced as 'se-fun' with a rising tone on the second syllable, this is a shortened term used to refer to the 7-Eleven convenience store.
用法: E.g. 今日放工記得去seven買野呀。
E.g. 我要去seven交電話費。
定義: Used to refer to setting things up in Cantonese.
用法: E.g. 伙記:等我set好張枱先再叫你入黎啦。 客人:好呀。
E.g. 個server set up左未呀?
定義: Pronounced as 'sik-q', this is a code-mixing term used to refer to the security staff of a building.
用法: E.g. 同我快D叫'食Q'黎!