109 results found
定義: (adj.) insane; malfunctioning; derived from "short circuit". Often used as "sot sot deih", meaning a little insane.
用法: E.g. 你契爺凍到short咗. (Your godfather is freezing to the point of insanity.)
E.g. 部冷氣機short左。快D搵人黎整返佢啦。
定義: A code-mixing term by native Hong Kongers to avoid saying the word 'like' in order to sound more professional in formal situations, or to avoid sounding biased when you like one item more than another.
用法: E.g. 你prefer今星期邊一日interview呀?
E.g. 你prefer幾點睇戲呀?
E.g. 我prefer佢個idea多D。
定義: A more sophisticated way of expressing chance (機會) in Cantonese, as the English term denotes prospect for advancement or success.
用法: E.g. 好多謝貴公司今日比呢個opportunity我地黎做個presentation.
定義: A code-mixing term used by native Hong Kongers to tell someone not to worry about something anymore, even though it may not sound polite to English speakers.
用法: E.g. Never mind啦。我地下次再約。
E.g. Never mind啦。我自己搞得掂。
定義: A code-mixing term used by Hong Kongers to soften the tone when requesting for something, especially when the speaker does not want to be rejected.
用法: E.g. 你:mind唔mind我跟返呢個客? 同事:唔mind。 (你:介唔介意我跟返呢個客? 同事:介意。)
E.g. 你:mind唔mind我坐喺到? 陌生人:唔mind。(你:介唔介意我坐喺到? 陌生人:介意。)
E.g. 你:mind唔mind等我一陣? 老細:唔mind。 (你:介唔介意等我一陣? 老細:介意。)
定義: A convenient English phrase used by native Hong Kongers to avoid going into negative detail about someone who does not understand you.
用法: E.g. 朋友: 喂,你講野好唔make sense喎。你:真的嗎?
E.g. 我覺得你講野make sense,不過我唔係太明。
E.g. 你講野都唔make sense,廢鬼事再聽你講。
定義: A code-mixing term that is used when you really care not to offend someone.
用法: E.g. Frankly speaking呢,我覺得你唔夠quali囉。
E.g. Frankly speaking呢,我對你既印象麻麻地囉。
E.g. Frankly speaking呢,我覺得你好扮野囉。
定義: This is a code-mixing term used by native Hong Kongers to refer to social class. However, it is often pronounced as 'car' or 'car屎' by grassroot class Hong Kongers.
用法: E.g. 喂呢間餐廳好high car屎喎。
E.g. 今日洗唔洗著到咁high car屎呀?
E.g. 唔好成日扮到咁high car啦。中左六合彩咩?