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Hong Kong Code-mixing Dictionary

A contemporary Cantonese-English dictionary

74 results found

narm sun

Definition: (textspeak) Derived from '男神' meaning 'male god', this is a Kongish code-mixing term that refers to a super attractive man who females can fantasize about. Usage: E.g. Ngo geen dou narm sun dem gun beat, ho lun ying cls. (我見到男神Dem緊Beat,好L型痴L線。) Synonym: 男神Reference:開罐/283411/大學生打字用火星文-10句港式英文拼音大挑戰-測試你識幾多

mother school

Definition: Derived from '母校', this is a Kongish code-mixing term that refers to a school that a person has graduated from. ie. Alma mater. Usage: Well I’m a Catholic. I believe in what I have been taught when I was in my mother secondary school, Wah Yan Kowloon.Synonym: 母校Reference:政經/李家超透露是天主教徒-感謝「mother-secondary-school」教誨

nei ming ng ming gong mud ye?

Definition: (textspeak) A Kongish code-mixing phrase that is often used among local students in Hong Kong girl schools when they cannot understand what the teacher says in a lesson. Usage: E.g. *Teacher explains what to do for the lesson* Student A: Nei ming ng ming gong mud ye? Student B: Ng ming.Synonym: 你明唔明講乜野?Reference:開罐/124322/集體回憶-90後最有共鳴火星文-禾刀吾g-3-你有無份

arm arm

Definition: A Kongish code-mixing phrase that local Hong Kongers use to refer to something that has just happened. Usage: E.g. My frd arm arm told me kui find gun ppl. E.g. Ngo arm arm sik jor farn. (我啱啱食左飯。)Synonym: 啱啱Reference:開罐/283411/大學生打字用火星文-10句港式英文拼音大挑戰-測試你識幾多

out cat

Definition: Said to have originated from 'copycat' in English, this is a Kongish code-mixing phrase that refers to someone who cheats or copies other people's answers in an exam. (出貓) Usage: E.g. Don't dare to bring out the cat in an exam! (唔好咁大擔考試出貓!)Synonym: 出貓Reference:

gau m daap baat

Definition: A Kongish code-mixing phrase that local Hong Kongers use to refer to someone who is off-topic or providing irrelevant answers. Usage: E.g. Lei dou gau m daap baat! Can you answer my question?!Synonym: 九唔搭八Reference:

seung sik

Definition: A Kongish code-mixing phrase that local Hong Kong students use to refer to common sense or knowledge. Usage: E.g. End sem jip lib is seung sik okay? (完Sem摺拉是常識 Okay?)Synonym: 常識Reference:開罐/283411/大學生打字用火星文-10句港式英文拼音大挑戰-測試你識幾多


Definition: (textspeak) A Kongish code-mixing term transliterated from ‘咗’, which is equivalent to the ‘-ed’ particle for past tense in English. Usage: E.g. Jo jor gong for mei ar? (做咗功課未呀?) E.g. Sik jor farn mei ar? (食咗飯未呀?)Synonym: 咗Reference:

princess sickness

Definition: Derived from '公主病', this is a Kongish code-mixing term that refers to a female who acts like a princess all the time and possesses the worst possible qualities such as narcissism and materialism. It tends to associate with Hong Kong women and is quite stereotypical of '港女', the Kong girl. Usage: E.g. 港男:Why are you scolding me like this? Do you have princess sickness? (你做咩喺度鬧我呀? 你係咪有公主病?)Synonym: 公主病Reference:

mo la la

Definition: (textspeak) Transliterated from '無啦啦', this is a Kongish code-mixing term that is used as an adverb to describe something that happened suddenly and unexpectedly. Usage: E.g. Kui mo la la da ngo! Chi jor sin! (佢無啦啦打我!痴左線!)