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Hong Kong Code-mixing Dictionary

A contemporary Cantonese-English dictionary

481 results found


Definition: A noun-turned-adjective code-mixing term used to describe how charming or attractive a person is. Usage: E.g. 喂,你覺得佢好charm嗎? E.g. 你今日著得好charm喎。


Definition: An alternative way of referring to someone who's getting on your nerves, as the equivalent term '挑戰' in Cantonese sounds too much like a real duel or battle and hence too provocative to use. Usage: E.g. 老闆:夠喇。你唔好係到挑戰我。你:我幾時有挑戰過你呀?! E.g. 老闆:夠喇。你唔好係到challenge我。你:*silence*


Definition: A generic code-mixing term used for a number of Chinese words meaning 'case', in order to maximise communicative efficiency. Usage: E.g. 喂,阿John。同我follow下個case得嗎?(個案) E.g. 今次呢單case好似唔簡單。(案件) E.g. 呢個病人個case睇嚴重D喎。(病情) E.g. 我明白你個case。(情況)


Definition: A code-mixing term used by native Hong Kong businessmen to refer to something that they give a damn about, as the equivalent terms '理', '在乎' or '關心' in Cantonese sound too romantic or loving in a professional setting. Usage: E.g. 我唔care你要OT到幾多點,總之要幫我搞掂。 E.g. 其實我都好care我既員工既福利。 E.g. 艾東care! (I don't care!)

By the way

Definition: A code-mixing phrase used by native Hong Kongers to avoid seeming as if you have almost forgotten to mention something. Usage: E.g. By the way, 你可唔可以幫我搞掂埋呢份proposal? E.g. By the way, 你今晚幾時得閒呀?


Definition: To reserve something, such as an appointment or place, without sounding like it's a date. Usage: E.g. 請問你幫我book左個appointment未? E.g. 聽日book左枱未呀?(訂枱)Reference:


Definition: A posh way of saying that you admire someone's work or effort, in order to show your high social status or higher education background. Usage: E.g. 我好appreciate你個idea. Well done. E.g. 我好appreciate你做既野。不過,你都唔可以迫我accept你個apology。


Definition: A code-mixing term used by upper class Hong Kongers who have more than a regular habit of drinking champagnes. Usage: E.g. 今日係禮拜五晚,我地黎支champagne嗱?!


Definition: Usually placed at the start of a clause or sentence, this is a code-mixing term used by native Hong Kongers to replace the phrase '無論如何', meaning 'no matter what' in Cantonese. Usage: E.g. 我知你好忙,但anyhow,你一定要幫我。


Definition: A code-mixing term that is often overused by Fake ABC's in Hong Kong to strike a western impression, as they believe knowing the 'r' sound will make them superior. Usage: E.g. Rrreally?可唔可以再講多次呀? E.g. 唔係嘛?Rrrreally?你話你D英文標準過我?Reference:港式英文講過舉手-偽abc-語錄-2124292580433974.html