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Definition: Pronounced as 'sik-q', this is a code-mixing term used to refer to the security staff of a building.
Usage: E.g. 同我快D叫'食Q'黎!
Definition: Pronounced as 'se-fun' with a rising tone on the second syllable, this is a shortened term used to refer to the 7-Eleven convenience store.
Usage: E.g. 今日放工記得去seven買野呀。
E.g. 我要去seven交電話費。
Definition: (adj.) insane; malfunctioning; derived from "short circuit". Often used as "sot sot deih", meaning a little insane.
Usage: E.g. 你契爺凍到short咗. (Your godfather is freezing to the point of insanity.)
E.g. 部冷氣機short左。快D搵人黎整返佢啦。
Definition: (verb) A code-mixing term that refers to describing a matter as something else, especially in politics.
Usage: E.g. 鍾培生:阿林作好鍾意將件事spin到同政治有關。
Definition: A salutation often used by real ABC Hong Kongers to ask how somebody is doing. However, it is often overused by Fake ABC's to strike a western impression on others. (Also used as "what's up")
Usage: E.g. 喂,sup man?
E.g. 偽ABC:Sup man, sup, sup, sup...人們:得喇。唔好成日唔係又sup又喺到sup啦。好煩呀。
Definition: An a lot more gentle and caring way of telling someone to take care of themselves compared to the Cantonese equivalent. Explanation: 你自己照顧自己—>以後你自己搞掂喇—>你自己食自己—>慘慘豬(@V@)
Usage: E.g. 媽咪要去旅行喇。你自己take care喇。
E.g. 以後take care喇。Sayorara.
Definition: Often said with an extra 'you' in Cantonese, this is a code-mixing phrase used by native Hong Kongers to make sure that the other person really gets the thank you message. Sometimes, it is uttered as 'fank q' or 'fank q you', especially by the grassroots class Hong Kongers.
Usage: E.g. 今次搬屋真係好thank you你呀!
E.g. 恭喜發財!*逗利是* Thank you你呀!
E.g. 朋友:尋日嗰五舊水還返比你。 你:Fank q你呀!Reference: https://www.gotrip.hk/網絡熱話/一句英文分辨港人身份-ctb12-652218/3/
Definition: A fancy way of saying 'so' or 'therefore' in Cantonese and to tone down the causal relationship between two items.
Usage: E.g. 係喇,你都冇同我講。That’s why我今次冇預到你份。
E.g. 你都冇比錢我。That's why我冇幫你買戲飛。
Definition: A verb-turned-adjective code-mixing term used to describe someone or something as being very up-to-date. However, it is also sometimes used as a verb.
Usage: E.g. 你部手機好update喎。(adj.)
E.g. Update左個software未呀?(verb)Reference: https://www.inmediahk.net/中英夾雜