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Definition: A code-mixing term that local Hong Kong university students love to use instead of '講座', which means a formal talk on a subject by a professor.
Usage: E.g. 其實上lecture根本浪費時間。Synonym: 講座Reference: https://lihkg.com/thread/475538/page/2
Definition: (textspeak) A Kongish code-mixing phrase that is used to ask someone whether they know something.
Usage: E.g. A: Nei g ng g kui hui jor bin? B: Ng g. (A: 你知唔知佢去左邊? B: 唔知。)Synonym: 知唔知
Definition: A romanised Cantonese phrase that westernised Hong Kongers use to ask a shopkeeper how much something costs, which is extremely effective when bargaining for a lower price at wet markets. It can also be shortened to 'gay cheen' (幾錢).
Usage: E.g. Gay dor cheen? (幾多錢?)
E.g. Gay cheen? (幾錢?)Synonym: 幾多錢?Reference: https://homekong.com.hk/blogs/read/helpful-cantonese-phrases-to-know
Definition: A code-mixing term that Hong Kongers love to use to refer to going on a vacation near one's home.
Usage: E.g. 年尾要清假,但封左關又唔去得旅行,唯有去酒店staycation啦。Synonym: 宅度假Reference: https://hkdic.my-helper.com/Staycation/
Definition: (textspeak) A Kongish code-mixing term derived from '支持', meaning to support.
Usage: E.g. 全靠大家GCHI,本會終於成功當選,今後仍然需要大家多多GCHI。Synonym: 支持Reference: https://hkdic.my-helper.com/gchi/
Definition: (textspeak, vulgar) A Kongish code-mixing term derived from '痴撚線', which is used to describe someone who has gone crazy or insane. (Also see 'chi sin'.)
Usage: E.g. CLS公司俾得果幾千蚊人工仲要人日日OT..Synonym: 痴撚線Reference: https://hkdic.my-helper.com/CLS/
Definition: Translated from ‘要咩有咩’ with ‘咩’ (what) having a similar sound utterance of a sheep, this is a Kongish code-mixing phrase that is said during Chinese New Year to wish someone they can get whatever they need.
Usage: E.g. Gong Hei fat choi! I wish you need sheep have sheep this year!Synonym: 要咩有咩Reference: https://hklanguage.home.blog/2019/11/12/kongish-a-new-language-of-hong-kongers/