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Hong Kong Code-mixing Dictionary

A contemporary Cantonese-English dictionary

481 results found


Definition: Also written as '啹' in Cantonese, this is a code-mixing term that refers to the feeling of accepting somebody who is an adversary. Usage: E.g. 佢上次嬴我令到我好唔gur,不過今次我嬴返佢我就gur哂。Synonym: 啹Reference:啹


Definition: Often used as 'baby pig' (BB豬) in Cantonese, this is a code-mixing term that native Hong Kongers use to call their lovers. Usage: E.g. BB豬,你買D咩生日禮物比我呀?


Definition: An ultra rhotic expression that is added onto the ending of Cantonese characters, which is adopted by Hong Kong celebrity Janice Man to create an ABC accent. Also known as 'JM tone'. Usage: E.g. 呢一區我淨係試過兩rrrrrrn間餐廳。E.g. 有時候我都幾想rrrrrn去吓旅行。Reference:


Definition: Pronounced as 'tee-suu', this is a code-mixing term that Hong Kongers have grown up with and got used to instead of the equivalent term in Cantonese. Usage: E.g. 請問有冇tissue呀?。E.g. 唔該比張tissue黎呀,唔該。


Definition: Pronounced as the fifth tone in Cantonese, this is a code-mixing term used by native Hong Kongers to refer to something or someone that is strange or embarrassing. Usage: E.g. 下次唔好入錯課室咁kam喇。 E.g. 佢份人真係好kam!Reference:香港潮語2023香港40個最新潮語結集-壞過婉婷升級版係咩啱呀唔係附和你


Definition: (verb) A code-mixing term that native Hong Kongers love to use to refer to hanging out and having fun, especially in bars and clubs. Usage: E.g. 今晚諗住去邊到wet呀? E.g. 媽:比心機讀書。唔好成日掛住we we wet wet啦!Synonym: 蒲Reference:開罐/624997/21句顯老潮語-好in-kai子聽到打冷震-m嘢-格格蕉蕉咩意思#media_id=6904876


Definition: A jubilant, nonchalant way of showing off to your friends. Used together with 'juice' in Cantonese. Usage: E.g. 哎呀!今次唔洗溫書都實pass啦!Easy汁啦!


Definition: A chic way of saying the word 'feel' in Cantonese, in order to avoid sounding old-fashioned. Usage: E.g. 晨早樓樓係到食薯片,好唔岩feel喎。(noun) E.g. 喂,你今日著成咁,好MKfeel喎。 (noun) E.g. 我feel到佢對我有意思。(verb) E.g. 我對你已經冇哂feel喇。 (noun)Reference:港式-廣東話-中英夾雜-口語-香港人-搭lift-食lunch

laugh die me

Definition: Known as Kongish, this is a code-mixing phrase that refers to something that is so funny that one can die from having too much laughter. Usage: E.g. Laugh die me喇!真係好搞笑呀。(笑死我)Synonym: 笑死我Reference:


Definition: A code-mixing term that working class Hong Kongers like to use to refer to a duplicate of something, such as a document. Usage: E.g. 份document整多幾份copy黎呀,唔該。Synonym: 副本