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Definition: Often repeated after '所以' (so) in Cantonese, this is to reinforce what this speaker is trying to explain, especially in a work situation.
Usage: E.g. 程序上有好多野要double confirm,所以that's why個project到兒家仲未出街。
Definition: A code-mixing phrase that native Hong Kongers tend to use instead of the Cantonese equivalent words '即係'.
Usage: E.g. 今日呢個demo係做比大家睇既,which is:如果你地有D咩問題想問關於呢個project,或者你地覺得有D咩地方可以再做好D,請隨便發問或者提議。
Definition: A code-mixing term that refers to ‘out of budget’, which is used by working class Hong Kongers in business meetings.
Usage: 做project management只睇兩樣。第一就係有冇outside個scope,第二就係有冇out bud。
Definition: A euphemistic way of refering to the end of something, as saying something is at a final stage is considered bad luck in Cantonese sometimes.
Usage: E.g. 唔知佢end up會做D咩呢?
E.g. 上次個project end up成點呀?
E.g. 佢上個暑假end up左去台灣。
Definition: A code-mixing term that working class Hong Kongers like to use to refer to a physical inspection of a site in order to discuss the scope of work with contractors and foresee any potential problems.
Usage: E.g. 進行project之前要做好site visit,以便理解好成個scope。Synonym: 實地考察
Definition: A code-mixing term that working class Hong Kongers use to talk about a topic with someone or a group of people and have them share their ideas and opinions.
Usage: E.g. 不如一齊discuss吓個project點樣做?
E.g. 我地discuss吓個問題,然後再結論。可以嗎?Synonym: 討論