109 results found
Definition: Often added with a 屎 (faeces), this is a code-mixing term that local Hong Kongers use to refer to short pieces of information written down on paper.
Usage: E.g. 阿仔,上堂記住drop低D note屎呀!Synonym: 筆記Reference: https://www.threads.net/@hongtonese/post/C8zlfwZytLZ
Definition: Originated from the olden days where the upper class loved to wear old sheepskin of high quality, this is a Kongish code-mixing term used by Hong Kongers to describe someone who has low social status and tries to mimick the upper class by wearing cheap quality clothing that matches the appearance of expensive clothing. ie. The white colour and look of fresh carrot skin resembles the look of old sheepskin.
Usage: E.g. You think you are so high class? What kind of fresh carrot skin are you?Synonym: 新鮮蘿蔔皮Reference: https://voltra.academy/blog/canton2
Definition: A code-mixing term that Hong Kongers use to refer to working overtime. Sometimes, it is used as '冬OT' (winter OT), which means 'don't OT'.
Usage: E.g. A:死喇,咁多野做。唔知今晚要OT到幾時呢?B:冬OT!Synonym: 加班Reference: http://www.cmi.hku.hk/Ref/Article/article02/01.html
Definition: A code-mixing term used by native Hong Kongers to display your level of knowledge, as if you come from higher education background.
Usage: E.g. 老闆:我覺得呢個idea好有potential。快D走去落實啦。
E.g. 我覺得你個人好有potential。不過就寸左D。
Definition: Known as Kongish, this is a code-mixing idiom used by native Hong Kongers to describe a situation where you cannot force someone into seeking help if they do not accept it.
Usage: E.g. I offered to help him with his homework but he never sent it over. Oh well... if the cow doesn't drink water, you cannot press the cow's head down.Synonym: 牛唔飲水唔撳得牛頭低Reference: https://www.localiiz.com/post/culture-local-stories-popular-cantonese-idioms
Definition: (vulgar) Known as Kongish, this is a code-mixing term used by native Hong Kongers to call someone a bastard or son of a bitch. Also has the meaning of gigolo, which originated from Fuzhou in China. (契弟)
Usage: E.g. You are dead meat, sworn brother! (契弟)
E.g. Oh gosh we are doomed. This time we are gonna be sworn brothers. (做契弟)
E.g. So you’ve been treating me like a sworn brother all along? (當我契弟)
E.g. Sworn brother walks slowly. (契弟走得摩)Synonym: 契弟Reference: https://baike.baidu.hk/item/%E5%A5%91%E5%BC%9F/7349815