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Hong Kong Code-mixing Dictionary

A contemporary Cantonese-English dictionary

492 results found

Oh my God

Definition: A tag-switching phrase overused by Fake ABC's in Hong Kong to create a western appeal. Usage: E.g. Oh my God!今日咁曬我都唔記得帶suncream呀! E.g. Oh my God!我從來都未買過件dress係咁靚架!Reference:明明無r音都要捲舌-5大令人頂唔順的偽abc特徵/1


Definition: A euphemistic code-mixing term that refers to 'menstruation' in English.  However, it is also used as 'M記' to refer to McDonald\'s. Usage: E.g. 唔好話我聽兒家先黎M麻? E.g. 今次真係M到阿媽都唔認得喇!E.g. 今日又食M記?唔好喇掛!


Definition: A code-mixing term that refers to a person with a mixed-race descent. Usage: E.g. A:你係唔係mix黎架?B:乜我似mix咩?多謝。 E.g. A:你係唔係mix黎架?B:係!當然係啦!我係澳門香港mix呀!


Definition: A code-mixing term that refers to the attraction between two people. Usage: E.g. A:你話佢地兩個有冇chemistry呢?B:你係指work定係sexual chemistry呢?LOL。


Definition: Originated from a Steven Chow movie, this is a code-mixing term that native Hong Kongers use to describe a brief period of time where one wants to unleash his potential. (瞬間) Usage: E.g. 我醬爆感覺到,喺呢個moment,要爆喇Synonym: 瞬間Reference:電影/46299/愛-回帶-少林足球-醬爆-變漲爆-何文輝愈撈愈掂


Definition: A shortened code-mixing term that refers to 'semester' and can hardly be replaced '學期'. Usage: E.g. 大學生:唔知今個sem考成點呢? 你:份project幾時交呀?同學:sem尾先至交呀。


Definition: A better sounding code-mixing term that is used in place of '室友'. Usage: E.g. 朋友:你有幾多個室友? 你:你係話失友還是roommate?Reference:港式-廣東話-中英夾雜-口語-香港人-搭lift-食lunch

mm goi

Definition: A code-mixing phrase used by real ABC Hong Kongers to say 'please', 'excuse me' or 'thank you', depending on the situation. (唔該) Usage: E.g. Mm goi. (To call the waiter at a restaurant) E.g. Mm goi jeh jeh (Excuse me, please let me through) E.g. Mm goi sai! (Thank you very much!) E.g. Set A lunch, mm goi. (Set A lunch, please) E.g. Mm goi, where is the MTR? (May I ask where is the MTR?)Synonym: 唔該Reference:,jeng%E2%80%9D%2520if%2520something%2520is%2520awesome.


Definition: A code-mixing term that is used instead of '典禮'. Usage: E.g. 同學:個ceremony好耐呀,完未架? 同學:你幾時去grad ceremony呀? 你:我黎唔到個ceremony呀。

bamboo stick

Definition: Known as Kongish, this is a code-mixing term used by native Hong Kongers to refer to a person who is a yellow-skinned Asian but speaks English very well. I.e. Yellow on the outside but white on the inside like a bamboo stick. (竹升) Usage: E.g. Please don’t treat me like a bamboo stick! (竹升) I know how to speak Chinese!Synonym: 竹升