466 results found
Definition: A romanised code-mixing term used to describe how poor (慘) someone is.
Usage: E.g. 今次考試肥左真係好chaam。
E.g. 做到扒左喺到咁真係chaamchaam豬。
Definition: Known as Kongish, this is a phrase used by native Hong Kongers to describe someone who does not know anyone. Originated from a game similar to Rummikub where pulling cards should add up to nine, but not over. Otherwise, the player will lose the game.
Usage: E.g. I have never been to this event before! Everyone was like 'three does not know seven'!Synonym: 三唔識七Reference: https://www.localiiz.com/post/culture-local-stories-popular-cantonese-idioms
Definition: A code-mixing term used to refer to holding something physically (揸), but with the meaning of waiting for the return of something as well.
Usage: E.g. Hold住個電話先。
E.g. 個project兒家hold住左,因為要同個客傾返好先。Reference: https://repository.lib.cuhk.edu.hk/tc/item/cuhk-321644
Definition: A code-mixing term that Hong Kongers like to use when talking about work, as the Cantonese equivalent terms may denote a higher responsibility.
Usage: E.g. 呢件事你handle可以嗎?(處理)
E.g. 咁多功課hand唔handle到呀?(應付)
E.g. 公司既財政邊個handle架?(負責)
Definition: Known as Kongish, this is a code-mixing phrase used by native Hong Kongers to describe a situation where they are in some serious trouble. Sometimes, '大鑊' can be emphasized to a vulgar expression '大撚鑊', which literally translates to 'big penis wok' and means the person is in rather deep sh*t.
Usage: E.g. I forgot to bring my wallet! Big wok! (大鑊)
E.g. Omg I lost all my money! This time is really big penis wok! (今次真係大撚鑊)Synonym: 大鑊Reference: http://paper.wenweipo.com/2011/03/30/ED1103300032.htm
Definition: Known as Kongish and derived from '大檸樂', this is a more euphemistic way of saying the vulgar expression '大撚鑊', which means a big f***ing serious trouble has occurred.
Usage: E.g. I forgot to hand in my assignment yesterday. Big lemon coke!Synonym: 大檸樂
Definition: An overused code-mixing term that Hong Kongers use to refer to sharing something.
Usage: E.g. 快D po你D相上網同大家share吓啦。
E.g. 去完旅行買左D咩好野同大家share吓啦。
E.g. 今日開會有咩想同大家share吓呢?