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Hong Kong Code-mixing Dictionary

A contemporary Cantonese-English dictionary

492 results found


Definition: Often pronounced with a '屎' (faeces) at the end of the word, this is a code-mixing term that Hong Kongers often use to refer to having the ability to recognise something good. ('有品味') Usage: E.g. 哇,你識揀呢件衫,真係好有taste呀!Synonym: 品味Reference:


Definition: A code-mixing term used by working class Hong Kongers to refer to a company stamp. (公司蓋章) Usage: E.g. 可唔可以借個chop黎用吓?Synonym: 公司蓋章Reference:行政人員英語詞窮%20見客口啞

drop dog sh*t

Definition: Derived from '落狗屎‘, this is a Kongish code-mixing term that refers to raining very heavily, which is equivalent of the phrase 'raining cats and dogs' in English. Usage: E.g. Wa! Right now is really drop dog sh*t ah! (哇!兒家真係落狗屎呀!)Synonym: 落狗屎Reference:


Definition: A code-mixing term used by working class Hong Kongers to refer to whether people are on the same page of a situation or task. Usage: E.g. 我覺得我地唔係好sync。可唔可以catch up一吓我地做既野?Synonym: 同步Reference:


Definition: A code-mixing term often used by overseas educated Hong Kongers to refer to the day that work must be handed in and finalised. Usage: E.g. 老闆:下次知道要搞咁耐就早D返公司喇。 下屬:你話有野要交比個客睇,但係冇話過係deadline喎。 E.g. 老闆:今日係deadline,做唔完野要OT。 下屬:D野一早就做哂喇。

catch up

Definition: A code-mixing term used by Hong Kongers to refer to talking to someone in order to know what they have been doing. Usage: E.g. 我地幾時會再catch up吓?好耐冇見喇。Synonym: 趕上進度


Definition: A way to sound more certain and less hesitant when your friend/boyfriend/girlfriend is asking you whether you want to do something with him or her. Usage: E.g. 朋友: 聽日去唔去睇戲呀? 你: Depends啦。 E.g. 女朋友: 係咪聽日去shopping呀? 你: Depends啦。 E.g. 女朋友: 係咪聽日去shopping呀? 你: 睇下點啦。 *啪!*


Definition: A code-mixing term used by working class Hong Kongers to express worry about something. Usage: E.g. 最近公司既野收入令到我好concern。Reference:職場英語-盤點辦公室改不掉的中英夾雜-double-comfirm是錯的/1301-25515

drop down

Definition: A code-mixing term that is often misused by Fake ABC’s to mean 'jot down'. Usage: E.g. 老師,唔該等一等。我要drop down埋D notes先擦黑板。Reference:開罐/128449/你是否-偽abc-chill-中文意思係咩-10個港人常用錯英文字

dress code

Definition: A code-mixing term used by working class Hong Kongers to refer to the rules being set on how you should wear for a situation or event. Usage: E.g. 聽晚要去公司function?有冇話咩dress code呀?Synonym: 服裝規範Reference: