7 results found
Definition: Known as Kongish, this is a code-mixing phrase that native Hong Kongers use to describe working for a job while looking for a better one. (騎牛搵馬 - ke4 ngau4 wan2 maa5)
Usage: E.g. Look for a job first! You can always ride an ox while looking for a horse!Synonym: 騎牛搵馬Reference: https://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?3,139574,139575
Definition: A code-mixing term that working class Hong Kongers like to use to describe a job that must be done in a company office.
Usage: E.g. 份合約講明份工要onsite做,冇得work from home。Synonym: 現場,在工地
Definition: A code-mixing term used by working class Hong Kongers to refer to a job position that covers almost all the duties that an entire department has.
Usage: E.g. 我份工係one man band,所以都幾忙架。Reference: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/一腳踢
Definition: A code-mixing term used by working class Hong Kongers to refer to a CV or resume that has a work history of many different jobs in a short period of time.
Usage: E.g. HR:你份CV太jumpy喇!D公司睇到唔會想見你!