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Hong Kong Code-mixing Dictionary

A contemporary Cantonese-English dictionary

26 results found


Definition: A code-mixing term that local Hong Kong students use to refer to sitting through a lecture without participating in it, which is usually used for those who don't belong to the class or course. Usage: E.g. 同學:可以邀請我sit堂嗎? E.g. 我見到嗰位先生成日要sit堂。係助教還是professor?


Definition: This is a code-mixing term that local student Hong Kongers use to address a female teacher. Sometimes, it is pronounced as 'missy'. Usage: E.g. Miss,請問呢條問題點答?

develop branch

Definition: A code-mixing term that local Hong Kongers in IT sectors like to use to refer to a pointer to a snapshot of changes in a code repository. Usage: E.g. 你兒家喺main branch, 咁你要checkout返個develop branch先可以開始做野。Synonym: 分支,開發線Reference:分支-分支简介


Definition: A code-mixing term that local Hong Kongers use to refer to an equipment that helps connect computer networks together. Usage: E.g. 個router係咪壞左?點解冇network既?Synonym: 路由器Reference:


Definition: A code-mixing term that local Hong Kongers use to refer to a small wireless unit that is plugged into a computer’s USB port for receiving signals for a keyboard or mouse. Usage: E.g. 有冇見過我個receiver? 我好似唔見左。Synonym: 接收器


Definition: Known as Kongish, this is a code-mixing term used by local student Hong Kongers to refer to a female janitor or cleaner. Usage: E.g. My aunt is a sodiasm in Queen Elizabeth hospital.Synonym: 掃地阿嬸Reference: