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Hong Kong Code-mixing Dictionary

A contemporary Cantonese-English dictionary

390 results found

Hows it going?

Definition: A code-mixing phrase that real ABC's like to use to show that they are friendly and easy to talk to.  Sometimes, a 'man' is added to the end of the phrase for emphasis. Usage: E.g. 喂,how's it going?近排幾好嗎? E.g. How's it going man?!今晚得閒去bar嗎?


Definition: A code-mixing term used to refer to holding something physically (揸), but with the meaning of waiting for the return of something as well. Usage: E.g. Hold住個電話先。 E.g. 個project兒家hold住左,因為要同個客傾返好先。Reference:

show off

Definition: A code-mixing term that Hong Kongers often use instead of '炫耀', which sounds too formal to be used in conversation.  Also used as 'show qualie' sometimes. Usage: E.g. 唔好成日係到show off啦。知道你勁喇。E.g. 成日講野都夾雜英文。你喺到show qualie呀?


Definition: A more neutral-sounding term that native Hong Kongers use to refer to '購物' or '買野', which signify the commitment to buying things. Usage: E.g. 女朋友:我地聽日去商場啦。男朋友:吓?又買野?!女朋友:唔係呀。去shopping咋嘛。 E.g. 女朋友:我地聽日去shopping啦。男朋友:又買野?!女朋友:去window shopping咋嘛。Reference:


Definition: A code-mixing term that Hong Kong students use to refer to the subject 'psychology'. Usage: E.g. 讀psycho難唔難呀?聽講今年有好多人肥左。Reference:


Definition: A code-mixing term that refers to the part of the song that is repeated several times. (副歌) Usage: E.g. 老師:今次唱得唔錯。不過我地再黎多次個chorus呀,唔該。 E.g. 老師:我地一齊再唱多次段副歌!學生:副歌?老師,你係邊到黎架?


Definition: A chic-sounding code-mixing term used in Hong Kong Cantonese that shows the speaker's education background and western appeal. Usage: E.g. 唔好意思,我週末要去shopping。唔得閒應酬你。 E.g. 做人唔shop下ping邊得呀?Reference:


Definition: A way to avoid losing face or embarassment when you do not know how to answer the boss's question. However, it can be considered unprofessional if used too much at a workplace. Usage: E.g. 你:我搵過好多次,但係somehow條數搵唔到。老細:哦,係呀?(你:我搵過好多次,但係唔知點解條數搵唔到。老細:咁實有原因架喎?) E.g. 你:個printer somehow壞左呀。老細:哦。(你:個printer唔知點解壞左呀。老細:我唔想聽到唔知點解!)


Definition: (adj.) insane; malfunctioning; derived from "short circuit". Often used as "sot sot deih", meaning a little insane. Usage: E.g. 你契爺凍到short咗. (Your godfather is freezing to the point of insanity.) E.g. 部冷氣機short左。快D搵人黎整返佢啦。


Definition: Usually placed at the start of a clause or sentence, this is a code-mixing term used by native Hong Kongers to replace the phrase '無論如何', meaning 'no matter what' in Cantonese. Usage: E.g. 我知你好忙,但anyhow,你一定要幫我。