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Hong Kong Code-mixing Dictionary

A contemporary Cantonese-English dictionary

277 results found


Definition: Often pronounced with a '屎' (faeces) at the end of the word, this is a code-mixing term that Hong Kongers use to refer to the overall dimensions of something. Usage: E.g. 請問呢件衫有咩size呀?。Synonym: 大小Reference:


Definition: A code-mixing term that Hong Kongers use to refer to the total amount of something, such as for goods and services. Usage: E.g. 呢到total幾多錢呀?Reference:


Definition: A way to express how nice someone is on the surface. Usage: E.g. 佢個人好nice,但係識耐左先知道原來係虛偽。E.g. 佢個人好nice,不過唔知個人好唔好呢?


Definition: Often used as '升le' (呢), this is a code-mixing term that Hong Kongers use to refer to having made an advancement in something. (升級) Usage: E.g. 哇!今次考試表現好左好多喎。簡直係升呢呀!Reference:


Definition: A code-mixing term that refers to a person with a mixed-race descent. Usage: E.g. A:你係唔係mix黎架?B:乜我似mix咩?多謝。E.g. A:你係唔係mix黎架?B:係!當然係啦!我係澳門香港mix呀!

eat c

Definition: A euphemistic way of telling somebody to eat sh*t (食屎). Usage: E.g. 咁巴閉?! Eat c la!


Definition: Often used as 'AA制' (policy), this is a code-mixing term that Hong Kongers often use to refer to paying for yourself at a meal. (Also known as 'going Dutch' in English) Usage: E.g. 今餐AA制得唔得呀?Synonym: 食自己, 自己比


Definition: A code-mixing term that working class Hong Kongers often use to refer to having missed something, such as a bus or a deadline. Usage: E.g. 哎呀,我miss左最後班車喇!\nE.g. 唔知miss左deadline會點呢?


Definition: This is a code-mixing term that local student Hong Kongers use to address a female teacher. Sometimes, it is pronounced as 'missy'. Usage: E.g. Miss,請問呢條問題點答?


Definition: A code-mixing term that is often overused by Fake ABC's in Hong Kong to strike a western impression, as they believe knowing the 'r' sound will make them superior. Usage: E.g. Rrreally?可唔可以再講多次呀? E.g. 唔係嘛?Rrrreally?你話你D英文標準過我?Reference:港式英文講過舉手-偽abc-語錄-2124292580433974.html