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Hong Kong Code-mixing Dictionary

A contemporary Cantonese-English dictionary

112 results found


Definition: Often added with a ‘咗’ like the ‘-ed’ form in English for past tense, this is a code-mixing term that is used by working class Hong Kongers to refer to having completed something, such as an event or project. Usage: E.g. 你地finish咗個project未呀? E.g. 終於finish咗個event!Synonym: 完成Reference:創新科技獎學金2024-挑選25位傑出大學生-每人最高15萬港元獎學金/


Definition: A generic term for a number of equivalent Cantonese words used to avoid absolute certainty. Usage: E.g. 件貨suppose今日到。(預期-expectedly/predictably) E.g. 我suppose你係岩既。 (假設-guess) E.g. 警察係suppose要保護市民。 (應該-should)


Definition: A polite way of addressing a stranger, usually a much older person, when you meet them for the first time. Usage: E.g. 哈佬Uncle,nice to meet you! E.g. 阿女,快D叫聲uncle啦。Reference:

wai wai wai

Definition: Known as Kongish, this is a code-mixing phrase used by native Hong Kongers to refer to forming inner circles and having decisions made by its members. Usage: E.g. You think they are really inviting a bid? They are just wai wai wai!Synonym: 圍威喂Reference:圍威喂

Thats why

Definition: Often repeated after '所以' (so) in Cantonese, this is to reinforce what this speaker is trying to explain, especially in a work situation. Usage: E.g. 程序上有好多野要double confirm,所以that's why個project到兒家仲未出街。


Definition: A code-mixing term that real ABC's like to use to show that they are always glad to do a favour for someone. Usage: E.g. Sure!No problem!拜托喺我身上啦。 E.g. Sure!我同你去Starbucks買杯咖啡啦。 E.g. Sure!我幫你比住錢先啦。

Hows it going?

Definition: A code-mixing phrase that real ABC's like to use to show that they are friendly and easy to talk to.  Sometimes, a 'man' is added to the end of the phrase for emphasis. Usage: E.g. 喂,how's it going?近排幾好嗎? E.g. How's it going man?!今晚得閒去bar嗎?


Definition: A code-mixing term that refers to someone who was born or grew up in a particular country, which Hong Kongers find it a lot more convenient to use than the Cantonese equivalent words because it requires much less linguistic effort. Usage: E.g. 你係唔係native speaker黎架?(講本國語既人) E.g. 你D英文係咪native架?(純正本土口音)Reference:


Definition: A code-mixing term that Hong Kong students like use to refer to highlighting important information with a highlighter pen. (瑩光筆) Usage: E.g. 學生:等我highlight句野先,方便溫書嗰陣時。 老師:考試時記住帶返支highlighter。冇既就要underline架喇。Reference:中英夾雜-港式廣東話-香港人-ctb081-hc-1413297/3/


Definition: A shortened code-mixing term that Hong Kongers use to refer to the word 'register', such as registering for an account in an app to become a member. Usage: E.g. 快D download個app再reg個account成為會員啦!Synonym: 申請