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Hong Kong Code-mixing Dictionary

A contemporary Cantonese-English dictionary

109 results found


Definition: This is a code-mixing term that Hong Kongers use to refer to '噱頭'. Usage: E.g. 你有沒有留意樓下那家coffee shop最近常做promotion,我覺得滿有gimmickSynonym: 噱頭Reference:港人中英夾雜有規律-網友-太神奇-020000181.html


Definition: A shortened term for the word 'socialise' in English, which may mean different things in various situations. Usage: E.g. 喂,你so吓人好喎?(to show that you care about others) E.g. 喂,唔好成日掛住soD女仔啦。(to court somebody) E.g. 喂,後生仔要出黎soso吓先得架嘛。(to socialise) E.g. 喂,你最近好似唔係好so-so喎。(being social)


Definition: A code-mixing term used by native Hong Kong businessmen to refer to something that they give a damn about, as the equivalent terms '理', '在乎' or '關心' in Cantonese sound too romantic or loving in a professional setting. Usage: E.g. 我唔care你要OT到幾多點,總之要幫我搞掂。 E.g. 其實我都好care我既員工既福利。 E.g. 艾東care! (I don't care!)


Definition: A code-mixing term that working class Hong Kongers love to use to refer to sending a copy of an email message to another recipient. Usage: E.g. 份email記住cc埋比所有人。Synonym: 抄送


Definition: A code-mixing term that working class Hong Kongers like to use to describe something that is not yet done or paid. Usage: E.g. 依家仲有咩case係outstanding?Synonym: 未解決

low pay leave

Definition: A code-mixing term used by grassroots Hong Kongers to refer to “no pay leave” or non-paid leave. Usage: E.g. 請唔到病假咪請low pay leave囉! (no pay leave)Synonym: 無薪假期

site visit

Definition: A code-mixing term that working class Hong Kongers like to use to refer to a physical inspection of a site in order to discuss the scope of work with contractors and foresee any potential problems. Usage: E.g. 進行project之前要做好site visit,以便理解好成個scope。Synonym: 實地考察

develop branch

Definition: A code-mixing term that local Hong Kongers in IT sectors like to use to refer to a pointer to a snapshot of changes in a code repository. Usage: E.g. 你兒家喺main branch, 咁你要checkout返個develop branch先可以開始做野。Synonym: 分支,開發線Reference:分支-分支简介

nei ming ng ming gong mud ye?

Definition: (textspeak) A Kongish code-mixing phrase that is often used among local students in Hong Kong girl schools when they cannot understand what the teacher says in a lesson. Usage: E.g. *Teacher explains what to do for the lesson* Student A: Nei ming ng ming gong mud ye? Student B: Ng ming.Synonym: 你明唔明講乜野?Reference:開罐/124322/集體回憶-90後最有共鳴火星文-禾刀吾g-3-你有無份

mm goi jeh jeh

Definition: A romanised code-mixing phrase used by westernised Hong Kongers when they cannot get the f**k out the train on the MTR. Literal meaning: Please move aside. Usage: E.g. Mm goi. (唔該) *nobody moves* Mm ho yi si. (唔好意思) *nobody moves* Mm goi jeh jeh! (唔該借借) *people move out of the way*Synonym: 唔該借借