390 results found
Definition: A code-mixing term that Hong Kongers use to refer to '手提電腦'.
Usage: E.g. 你部laptop用咩CPU架?好似好快喎。
Definition: Often pronounced as '波士', this is a more polite sounding code-mixing term that Hong Kongers often use to refer to '老闆', especially when working in a corporate company.
Usage: E.g. 做波士就好啦。我地呢班打工仔一世做奴隸。Reference: https://www.gushiciku.cn/dl/0pydp/zh-hk
Definition: A code-mixing term that Hong Kongers like to use to refer to the language channel that one is speaking in.
Usage: E.g. 做咩成日轉channel講英文呀?你喺到扮ABC呀?
E.g. 咪住。等我轉一轉channel講返中文先。
Definition: Often pronounced as 'vely gud', this is a code-mixing expression that grassroots Hong Kongers like to use when they cannot think of any other way to complement or give praise to something. 'Vely' (very) can also be used with other words such as 'delicious', even though delicious already denotes the meaning of excellence in food quality.
Usage: E.g. 哇,今次做得好。Vely gud!
E.g. 哇,D牛扒真係vely delicious呀!