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Hong Kong Code-mixing Dictionary

A contemporary Cantonese-English dictionary

375 results found


Definition: Derived from '寸' in Cantonese, this is a code-mixing term that native Hong Kongers use to describe someone who is cocky or arrogant. Usage: E.g. 知道你叻喇!不過洗唔洗咁inch呀?(in廚)Synonym: 寸Reference:熱爆話題/159516/konglish-港式英語鬧爆疑似第三者-網民-香港人先會明嘅英文

people mountain people sea

Definition: A code-mixing term used by Hong Kongers to emphasize how crowded and jam-packed a place is. Usage: E.g. 同事:今日搭車返工多唔多人呀? 你:多呀,可以話係people mountain people sea呀。 E.g. 你:哇,人山人海呀!朋友:簡直係people mountain people sea啦!


Definition: A code-mixing term that the Hong Kong celebrity '肥媽' like to use to refer to enjoying oneself on the stage by shaking along music or rhythm. Usage: E.g. 上到舞台一定要unjoy!


Definition: A code-mixing term used by the upper class Hong Kongers to refer to the espresso-based coffee made with steamed milk because the Cantonese equivalent '意大利泡沫咖啡' is too sophisticated to say. Usage: E.g. A:我平時最鍾意飲意大利泡沫咖啡。香港人:你指cappucino?Synonym: 意大利泡沫咖啡


Definition: A code-mixing term used by the upper class Hong Kongers to refer to the Italian luxury brand. However, the grassroots Hong Kongers pronounce it as '飛甩雞毛', which means the chicken dropping its feathers. Usage: E.g. A:你著緊咩牌子?飛甩雞毛?B:係Ferragamo呀。Synonym: 飛甩雞毛


Definition: A code-mixing term used by native Hong Kongers to display your level of knowledge, as if you come from higher education background. Usage: E.g. 老闆:我覺得呢個idea好有potential。快D走去落實啦。 E.g. 我覺得你個人好有potential。不過就寸左D。

chi sin

Definition: Known as Kongish, this is a code-mixing term that native Hong Kongers use to describe someone who is crazy, or a situation that is outrageous or unbelievable. (痴線 - ci1 sin3) Literal meaning: To have your electrical wires touching. Ie. Short circuit in the brain. Usage: E.g. Chi sin! You used all your money to gamble?! E.g. Chi sin! The restaurant gave me the wrong bill! E.g. Chi sin! You won the lottery?!!Synonym: 痴線Reference:


Definition: A code-mixing term by native Hong Kongers to avoid saying the word 'like' in order to sound more professional in formal situations, or to avoid sounding biased when you like one item more than another. Usage: E.g. 你prefer今星期邊一日interview呀? E.g. 你prefer幾點睇戲呀? E.g. 我prefer佢個idea多D。


Definition: An irreplaceable code-mixing term meaning to deliver a speech, as saying the Cantonese equivalent term '匯報' would sound too old school and non-colloquial. Usage: E.g. 你幾時要present呀? E.g. 今次份assignment難唔難present呀?Reference:

eat lemon

Definition: Known as Kongish, this is a code-mixing phrase that native Hong Kongers use to refer to being rejected. (食檸檬) Usage: E.g. This time eat lemon la,very chaam chaam pig.Synonym: 食檸檬Reference: