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Hong Kong Code-mixing Dictionary

A contemporary Cantonese-English dictionary

282 results found

dan so

Definition: A shortened code-mixing term that refers to 'dancing society'. Usage: E.g. 同學:你參加左咩so呀?你:dan so囉。內地學生:什麼?你:唔好意思。係dancing society呀。Synonym: 跳舞學會


Definition: A way to avoid losing face or embarassment when you do not know how to answer the boss's question. However, it can be considered unprofessional if used too much at a workplace. Usage: E.g. 你:我搵過好多次,但係somehow條數搵唔到。老細:哦,係呀?(你:我搵過好多次,但係唔知點解條數搵唔到。老細:咁實有原因架喎?) E.g. 你:個printer somehow壞左呀。老細:哦。(你:個printer唔知點解壞左呀。老細:我唔想聽到唔知點解!)


Definition: A shortened term for the word 'socialise' in English, which may mean different things in various situations. Usage: E.g. 喂,你so吓人好喎?(to show that you care about others) E.g. 喂,唔好成日掛住soD女仔啦。(to court somebody) E.g. 喂,後生仔要出黎soso吓先得架嘛。(to socialise) E.g. 喂,你最近好似唔係好so-so喎。(being social)

for some reason

Definition: A useful alternative if your boss is tired of hearing the word 'somehow' when you want to avoid saying 'I don't know' to a question. Usage: E.g. For some reason個file corrupt左。 E.g. For some reason個printer壞左。 E.g. For some reason今次個客唔搵我地。


Definition: An overused code-mixing term by real ABC's in Hong Kong when they want to give praise or compliment to something, just like the word '正' in Cantonese but stronger. Usage: E.g. 哇,今次個concert真係awesome! E.g. Woah! Awesome!


Definition: A more effortless way of apologising to someone without sounding so formal and serious. Sometimes, it is pronounced as 'sor-li'. Usage: E.g. Sorry呀,踩親你。 E.g. Sorry呀,我遲到左。 E.g.你:對唔住!係我抵死,係我唔岩!朋友:唔洗咁隆重。你:SORRY囉。Reference:

nei ming ng ming gong mud ye?

Definition: (textspeak) A Kongish code-mixing phrase that is often used among local students in Hong Kong girl schools when they cannot understand what the teacher says in a lesson. Usage: E.g. *Teacher explains what to do for the lesson* Student A: Nei ming ng ming gong mud ye? Student B: Ng ming.Synonym: 你明唔明講乜野?Reference:開罐/124322/集體回憶-90後最有共鳴火星文-禾刀吾g-3-你有無份

ngo mm sik gong gwong dong wa

Definition: A romanised code-mixing phrase used by foreigners when they come across a local Hong Konger who thinks they know how to speak Cantonese. Literal meaning: I don't know how to speak Cantonese. Usage: E.g. Foreigner: Mm goi sai! Dor jeh! Hong Konger: Wow, your Cantonese is so good! Foreigner: Ngo mm sik gong gwong dong wa.Synonym: 我唔識講廣東話Reference:


Definition: (textspeak) A Kongish code-mixing term meaning "I don't know", which is derived from '唔知'. Usage: E.g. Me also 5g. (我都唔知)Synonym: 唔知Reference:開罐/283411/大學生打字用火星文-10句港式英文拼音大挑戰-測試你識幾多#google_vignette

fresh carrot skin

Definition: Originated from the olden days where the upper class loved to wear old sheepskin of high quality, this is a Kongish code-mixing term used by Hong Kongers to describe someone who has low social status and tries to mimick the upper class by wearing cheap quality clothing that matches the appearance of expensive clothing. ie. The white colour and look of fresh carrot skin resembles the look of old sheepskin. Usage: E.g. You think you are so high class? What kind of fresh carrot skin are you?Synonym: 新鮮蘿蔔皮Reference: