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Definition: Often repeated after '所以' (so) in Cantonese, this is to reinforce what this speaker is trying to explain, especially in a work situation.
Usage: E.g. 程序上有好多野要double confirm,所以that's why個project到兒家仲未出街。
Definition: A code-mixing phrase that native Hong Kongers tend to use instead of the Cantonese equivalent words '即係'.
Usage: E.g. 今日呢個demo係做比大家睇既,which is:如果你地有D咩問題想問關於呢個project,或者你地覺得有D咩地方可以再做好D,請隨便發問或者提議。
Definition: A code-mixing filler term that real ABC's in Hong Kong love to use in all kinds of situations.
Usage: E.g. 係呀,我男朋友對我幾好架,like...成日買衫比我啦,同我出街啦,like...總知好到形容唔到啦。
E.g. 外國生活幾好架,like...我成日可以踩單車啦,去shopping mall買野啦,like...總知好到數唔哂啦。
E.g. 係呀。It's like... It's like... you know? 你知我想講咩架?
Definition: A code-mixing term that real ABC's like to use to show that they are always glad to do a favour for someone.
Usage: E.g. Sure!No problem!拜托喺我身上啦。
E.g. Sure!我同你去Starbucks買杯咖啡啦。
E.g. Sure!我幫你比住錢先啦。
Definition: A code-mixing phrase that real ABC's like to use to show that they are friendly and easy to talk to. Sometimes, a 'man' is added to the end of the phrase for emphasis.
Usage: E.g. 喂,how's it going?近排幾好嗎?
E.g. How's it going man?!今晚得閒去bar嗎?
Definition: (textspeak) Derived from '狗噏' meaning 'dog uttering', this is a Kongish code-mixing term that refers to talking non-sense, like bullsh*t. It is also often pronounced as '鳩噏' as a vulgar expression.
Usage: E.g. Stop 9up and bragging about your achievements all the time! (唔好成日喺到鳩噏車大炮啦!)Synonym: 狗噏, 鳩噏Reference: https://evchk.fandom.com/zh/wiki/9up
Definition: A code-mixing term that working class Hong Kongers use to refer to computer that has become unresponsive, due to a halt or freeze.
Usage: E.g. 部電腦新買架喎,咁易hang機?!
E.g. 係咪唔夠RAM所以hang左呀?Synonym: 當機
Definition: Often added after '一定', this is a code-mixing phrase used by native Hong Kongers to refer to being absolutely certain that you will win, like in a bet or game.
Usage: E.g. 今次D牌咁靚,一定sure win啦!
E.g. 你咁有學歷同咁smart,面試一定sure win啦!Synonym: 必勝Reference: https://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/dictionary/words/61304/
Definition: (textspeak) Transliterated from ‘緊‘, this is a Kongish code-mixing term that is added to the end of verbs to denote the sense of ongoing, just like the ‘ing’ in English as in ‘doing’.
Usage: E.g. Nei jo gun d meh ar? (你做緊d咩呀?)
E.g. Ngo sik gun farn ah. (我食緊飯呀)Synonym: 緊Reference: https://hklanguage.home.blog/tag/kongish/