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Hong Kong Code-mixing Dictionary

A contemporary Cantonese-English dictionary

466 results found

you know

Definition: A tag-switching phrase overused by Fake ABC's in Hong Kong to create a western appeal. Usage: E.g. You know, 我成日去做gym緊係fit啦, you know。 E.g. 我係上等人咁緊係成日夾雜英文啦, you know?Reference:明明無r音都要捲舌-5大令人頂唔順的偽abc特徵/1


Definition: A code-mixing term that can hardly be replaced by the equivalent item in Cantonese. Usage: E.g. 個project下個月deadline,記住mark低個schedule呀。 E.g. 請問你平時個schedule點架?Reference:港式-廣東話-中英夾雜-口語-香港人-搭lift-食lunch


Definition: A code-mixing term that is used in place of '交'. Usage: E.g. 同學:份功課幾時due呀?你:好似聽日due得喇喎。

shut up

Definition: Pronounced as 'shalup', this is a code-mixing term used to tell somebody to shut up immediately. Usage: E.g. 好鬼嘈呀!快D shalup啦! E.g. 同學:Shalup!老師就快到喇!Synonym: 收聲


Definition: A shortened code-mixing term for 'duplicate'. (verb) Usage: E.g. 呢part好似dup多左次。 E.g. 你dup多份做template,然後再改會好D。

warm up

Definition: A code-mixing term that can also be used to refer to a non-human object. Usage: E.g. 咁快開波?等我warm up吓先。 E.g. 同事A:喂,部機咁慢既? 同事B:部機要warm up吓先得架。


Definition: A code-mixing term that refers to the part of the song that is repeated several times. (副歌) Usage: E.g. 老師:今次唱得唔錯。不過我地再黎多次個chorus呀,唔該。 E.g. 老師:我地一齊再唱多次段副歌!學生:副歌?老師,你係邊到黎架?

ja ja lum

Definition: Known as Kongish, this is a code-mixing term used by native Hong Kongers to tell somebody to hurry up, which is similar to the phrase 'chop chop' in English. (Also see 'la la lum') Usage: E.g. Ja ja lum go to school now or you will miss the bus! Eg. Finish your homework! Ja ja lum la!Synonym: 咋咋臨


Definition: A code-mixing term that refers to a person's microphone being muted while in a meeting. Usage: E.g. 同事:喂,我聽唔到呀,你mute左呀。快D搵人叫佢unmute返啦。

la la lum

Definition: Known as Kongish, this is a code-mixing phrase that native Hong Kongers use to get someone to hurry up, which is similar to the phrase 'chop chop' in English. (Also see 'ja ja lum'.) Usage: E.g. La la lum get your homework done! E.g. Leave now or you'll miss the train! La la lum la!Synonym: 嗱嗱臨