12 results found
Definition: A code-mixing term that real ABC's like to use to show their friendliness or generosity.
Usage: E.g. No worries。今餐我比住先啦。
E.g. No worries。我幫你搞掂左喇。
Definition: Often pronounced as 'fi-lo' with a rising tone on the second syllable, this is a code-mixing term that is more generic to be used for a number of different items in Cantonese.
Usage: E.g. 唔該copy呢個file比我。(電腦檔案)
E.g. 買多個file儲住D紀錄。(文件夾)
E.g. 警察:我哋會睇返呢單case既file。(檔案)Reference: https://aclanthology.org/O09-5003.pdf
Definition: An a lot more gentle and caring way of telling someone to take care of themselves compared to the Cantonese equivalent. Explanation: 你自己照顧自己—>以後你自己搞掂喇—>你自己食自己—>慘慘豬(@V@)
Usage: E.g. 媽咪要去旅行喇。你自己take care喇。
E.g. 以後take care喇。Sayorara.
Definition: A generic term for a number of equivalent Cantonese words used to avoid absolute certainty.
Usage: E.g. 件貨suppose今日到。(預期-expectedly/predictably)
E.g. 我suppose你係岩既。 (假設-guess)
E.g. 警察係suppose要保護市民。 (應該-should)