95 results found
Definition: Derived from '大耳窿' with '窿' sounds like 'loan' in English, this is a Kongish code-mixing phrase that refers to a person or company that offers loans at extremely high interest rates.
Usage: E.g. Don't borrow money from this company. It is a big ear hole!Synonym: 大耳窿
Definition: Derived from '老屎忽' meaning 'old buttocks', this is a Kongish code-mixing phrase used to refer to a person who has high authority in a company but often looks down on the subordinates, points fingers at them, and uses them to his or her advantage.
Usage: E.g. My senior is such an old seafood! He just likes to point his finger at people and doesn't do anything himself!Synonym: 老屎忽
Definition: Known as Kongish, this is a phrase used by native Hong Kongers to place blame on someone in order to let him/her to face charges of crime.
Usage: E.g. Let's build raw pork meat on this guy!Synonym: 砌生豬肉Reference: https://evchk.fandom.com/zh/wiki/砌生豬肉
Definition: Known as Kongish, this is a code-mixing phrase used by native Hong Kongers to refer to forming inner circles and having decisions made by its members.
Usage: E.g. You think they are really inviting a bid? They are just wai wai wai!Synonym: 圍威喂Reference: https://words.hk/zidin/圍威喂
Definition: Known as Kongish, this is a code-mixing term used by native Hong Kongers to refer to slacking off at work.
Usage: E.g. Don't be such a snake king all the time! Get some work done!Synonym: 蛇王
Definition: Known as Kongish, this is a code-mixing phrase that native Hong Kongers use to describe working for a job while looking for a better one. (騎牛搵馬 - ke4 ngau4 wan2 maa5)
Usage: E.g. Look for a job first! You can always ride an ox while looking for a horse!Synonym: 騎牛搵馬Reference: https://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?3,139574,139575
Definition: A code-mixing term that working class Hong Kongers use to refer to putting information into a computer. (載入)
Usage: E.g. 點解個website load咁耐都load唔到架?Load得咁慢真係GG喇。Synonym: 載入
Definition: A code-mixing term that working class Hong Kongers use to refer to a meeting invitation sent out by the MS Outlook software.
Usage: E.g. 係咪聽日想開會傾呢樣野?唔該send個invitation黎先。Synonym: 邀請