75 results found
Definition: Known as Kongish and derived from '柒頭' in Cantonese, this is a code-mixing phrase used by native Hong Kongers to describe or scold someone who is stupid and brainless like a dickhead. (龜頭)
Usage: E.g. You seven head go and collect skin! (你個柒頭去收皮啦!)Synonym: 柒頭Reference: https://www.topprint2000.com/online-shop/product/1131018/
Definition: A code-mixing term that Hong Kongers like to use when talking about work, as the Cantonese equivalent terms may denote a higher responsibility.
Usage: E.g. 呢件事你handle可以嗎?(處理)
E.g. 咁多功課hand唔handle到呀?(應付)
E.g. 公司既財政邊個handle架?(負責)
Definition: An ultra convenient code-mixing term used by native Hong Kongers to refer to registering your arrival at a place like a hotel or airport, as the Cantonese equivalent '辦理入住手續' sounds too long and verbose.
Usage: E.g. 快D check in左先啦,至後再慢慢搵野食。Reference: https://www.lib.eduhk.hk/pure-data/pub/201902353/201902353_1.pdf
Definition: A slightly more polite sounding code-mixing term that real ABC's in Hong Kong like to use instead the Cantonese equivalent '大佬', meaning 'big brother', even though the literal meaning is usually not taken when used, just like the word 'dude'.
Usage: E.g. Dude,你係到搞D咩呀?
E.g. Dude,你好還錢喇喎?
E.g. Dude,你以為你自己好型呀?Synonym: 大佬