481 results found
Definition: This is a code-mixing term that refers to being eliminated in a competition, or being disqualified due to breaking the rules in a sports game.
Usage: E.g. 小心比球證吹罰呀。再犯多次規就foul你出局。
E.g. 我第一round interview就比人foul左喇。真係慘慘豬。Reference: http://www.cmi.hku.hk/Ref/Article/article02/01.html
Definition: Often pronounced as 'launch', this is a code-mixing term that Hong Kongers use to refer to a club lounge in a hotel.
Usage: E.g. 唔該,請問個lounge喺邊?我想搵個位坐吓先。Synonym: 休息聽Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mz8kUbNcMw
Definition: A code-mixing term that local student Hong Kongers use to refer to 'music society'.
Usage: E.g. 唔知mu so今個sem有咩搞呢?Synonym: 音樂學會
Definition: A more appealing code-mixing term than the Cantonese equivalent word '折扣', which shopkeepers like to use to attract customers.
Usage: E.g. 今個月清貨大discount。快D入黎慢慢揀啦!Synonym: 折扣Reference: https://www.gotrip.hk/生活/中英夾雜-港式廣東話-gt12-772959/
Definition: A code-mixing term that refers to ‘out of syllabus’, which is used by local school students in Hong Kong.
Usage: Past paper條題目out c左。
Definition: A code-mixing term that refers to ‘out of budget’, which is used by working class Hong Kongers in business meetings.
Usage: 做project management只睇兩樣。第一就係有冇outside個scope,第二就係有冇out bud。
Definition: A code-mixing phrase that is often mistakened as grammatically incorrect due to the word 'very' being considered redundant, as 'delicious' already denotes the meaning of very yummy. However, it originates from '好好味' in Cantonese, which means 'very very tasty'.
Usage: E.g. 哇,D野食真係very delicious呀。Synonym: 好好味
Definition: A nicer-sounding phrase than '重複檢查' or '檢查兩次', which means to check again or check two times.
Usage: E.g. 每次考試時記住double check份卷。
Definition: A code-mixing term that real ABC's like to use to show that they are always glad to do a favour for someone.
Usage: E.g. Sure!No problem!拜托喺我身上啦。
E.g. Sure!我同你去Starbucks買杯咖啡啦。
E.g. Sure!我幫你比住錢先啦。